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Explanations of Iran's police command about the plan to block the country's eastern borders with Afghanistan and Pakistan

6 May 2024 - 9:22

Regarding the details of the plan to block the country's border with Afghanistan and Pakistan, Qasim Rezaei, the deputy of the police command of the Islamic Republic of Iran, said that "the entire area will not be walled, and this physical block will be created only in places where there is vulnerability".

Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) - Tehran: Sardar Qasim Rezaei, the Deputy Police Command of the Islamic Republic of Iran, in an interview with ISNA about the details of the implementation of the plan to block the country's eastern borders with Afghanistan and Pakistan, said: The responsibility of the country's borders lies with the police command, and the border guard is responsible for control. and border management. In some borders, such as the northwestern border and the eastern border, there are threats from the other side of the border that we are dealing with.

He added: For example, the transportation of drugs or the movement of criminals and even the infiltration of terrorists may take place through these borders. In this regard, and according to the request of the police, it was decided to create physical barriers in these borders in order to control and manage them better.

This official of the Islamic Republic of Iran stated: "Therefore, with the management of Faraja and the use of border guard expert opinions and the budget provided by the government, it was decided to use the combat engineering facilities of the Islamic Republic of Iran Army in the construction of these walls as well." If necessary, coordination will be made with the IRGC and we will use their capacity. In fact, this plan is a police plan that the army has undertaken to implement due to having the appropriate technical knowledge. "Faraja (law enforcement command of the Islamic Republic of Iran) is responsible for ensuring the security of the country's borders."

He stated that the whole area will not be walled; Added: This physical blockage is created only at the points where there is vulnerability. In addition, our border guards and border dwellers are also involved in providing security. Fortunately, Faraja has good equipment for observing and monitoring the borders, and of course this equipment will increase.

It should be mentioned that some time ago the security authorities of the Islamic Republic of Iran announced that they are planning to block the eastern borders in order to counter the entry of drug smugglers and armed terrorist groups into this country.

Story Code: 289903

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