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Special Representative for Afghanistan Reconciliation Zalmay Khalilzad Travels to Afghanistan, India, Pakistan, Qatar, Russia, and the United Kingdom, department of state

خبرگزاری Herat Afghan Voice Agency(AVA) , 22 Apr 2019 - 22:20

Special Representative for Afghanistan Reconciliation Zalmay Khalilzad will travel to Afghanistan, India, Pakistan, Qatar, Russia, and the United Kingdom April 21 to May 11, as part of the overall effort to facilitate a political settlement that ends the conflict in Afghanistan said US department of state in a statement released on Monday April 22, 2019

AVA- In Kabul, Special Representative Khalilzad will consult with the Afghan government and other Afghans to encourage all parties to work towards intra-Afghan dialogue and negotiations to determine a final peace settlement. In London, Moscow, Islamabad, and New Delhi, he will work to build international support for the Afghan peace process to help ensure that any peace settlement reached will be sustainable. In Doha, he will continue to press forward on negotiations with the Taliban to reach a consensus on core national security issues, and urge their participation in an inclusive intra-Afghan dialogue.

Story Code: 183836

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