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China announced economic interaction and cooperation with Afghanistan

18 Feb 2023 - 13:31

China's special representative for Afghanistan announced his country's desire for economic interaction and cooperation with Afghanistan in a meeting with the officials of the Islamic Emirate and said that he will visit Kabul soon.

Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) - Kabul: Sohail Shaheen, head of the political office of the Islamic Emirate in Qatar, met with China's special representative for Afghanistan and discussed various issues, especially economic issues.
According to this official of the Islamic Emirate, the representative of China said in this meeting that he will visit Afghanistan soon.
China's special representative for Afghanistan has also said that in separate meetings with the Pakistani ambassador in Qatar and Qatari officials, he has discussed strengthening cooperation between Beijing and Doha for peace, stability and reconstruction in Afghanistan.
The head of the political office of the Islamic Emirate in Qatar said that in the meeting with the special representative of China for Afghanistan, they discussed strengthening bilateral relations, economic issues, solving the problems of businessmen, accelerating the work of projects initiated by China in Afghanistan and other issues.
China's special representative for Afghanistan wrote on his Twitter that he discussed Afghanistan with the head of the political office of the Islamic Emirate in Qatar, the ambassador of Pakistan in Qatar and the head of the Asian department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Qatar.
Yu Xiaoyong, China's special representative for Afghanistan, says: "During my meeting with Yusef Sultan Larem, the head of the Asian affairs department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Qatar, we had useful discussions about the situation in Afghanistan. "Both sides agreed to continue to interact with the Afghan side and further strengthen China-Qatar cooperation for the peace, stability and reconstruction of Afghanistan."
China is one of the countries that has kept its embassy open after the establishment of the new regime in Afghanistan and has also signed some commercial contracts with the Islamic Emirate.
China is one of the largest economic countries in the world.
Establishing macro-economic relations with this country can provide large potential capacities for the industrial and economic prosperity of war-torn Afghanistan.

Story Code: 265655

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