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America's soft war in Afghanistan; From creating tension at the borders to publishing fake news about the embassy

1 Mar 2023 - 12:38

Maisam Mehdipour; The deputy of media affairs, the special representative of Iran's presidency for Afghan affairs, says that the withdrawal of America from Afghanistan was the beginning of the change of Washington's strategy from the hard to the soft sphere and the creation of tension in the common borders of Afghanistan and Iran, as well as the publication of fake news about the transfer of diplomats in the Afghan embassy in Tehran. It is considered a part of this war.

Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) - Tehran: Tom West; The US special representative for Afghanistan has published a tweet about his meeting with Lotfollah Najafizadeh, the former director of Tolo News and the current director of Amo TV channel, and his colleagues about the role of the media in Afghanistan.
Maisam Mehdipour; In response to this incident, the deputy of media affairs, the special representative of the Islamic Republic of Iran, published a photo of the meeting and wrote that America after leaving Afghanistan in the spike of 1400 purposely ended the hard war and entered the soft war with media streamlining.
Maisam Mehdipour has written in a series of tweets: "This country (America) tried to raise the cost of other people's initiative in the issue of Afghanistan by organizing elite movements and media in a smart and purposeful manner, and in other words, it was able to hold Afghanistan hostage with the media." »
According to the deputy of media affairs, the special representative of the Iranian presidency for Afghanistan affairs, the change of diplomats in the Afghan embassy in Iran, fake news about the relations between the two countries, etc. can be defined in this puzzle.
Referring to the arrest and then release of an Iranian border guard by the forces of the Islamic Emirate in Nimroz, Mahdipour added: "The line that brought the country to the brink of duality in the first days of the Taliban's arrival in Afghanistan is today following the promotion of the word "misunderstanding" in border tension measures.
This is despite the fact that the western media active in Afghanistan, during the last few days, created a propaganda atmosphere about the transfer of diplomats in the Afghan embassy in Tehran, as well as the recent tensions at the Nimroz border, which arose due to the unprofessional encounter of the border guards of the Islamic Emirate with an Iranian soldier. They have tried to destroy the relations between the two countries and influence the public opinion about these two unrelated events. This is despite the fact that both the Islamic Republic of Iran and the government of Afghanistan welcome and support the development of bilateral relations and have avoided generalizing the usual tensions on the common borders to the strategic relations of the two neighboring countries.

Story Code: 266283

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