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IEA appoints envoy to consulate in UAE

14 Mar 2023 - 11:13

A written order terminating the former Consul General of Afghanistan in the UAE was issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan (IEA).

Afghan Voice Agency(AVA)_Monitoring, Hafiz Zia Ahmad Takal, Deputy Spokesman of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs told Ariana News that Abdul Rahman Fida has been appointed as the new consul general of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan in Dubai.

According to the letter, Fida replaced Masoud Azizi on March 12. If the UAE approves the IEA’s move, the Gulf nation will join a handful of other countries that have acknowledged Islamic Emirate envoys in their country including Iran, Turkey, Russia and China.

These countries have not officially recognized the IEA as the government in Afghanistan. However, envoys in these countries are tasked with both boosting political ties and trade relations.

Story Code: 266920

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