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The eighty-second day of Al-Aqsa storm operation;

The confrontation between Palestinian fighters and Zionist soldiers in the front line of the battle/ heavy bombing of different areas of Gaza by the Zionist regime

27 Dec 2023 - 12:37

Intense clashes between Palestinian fighters in the east of Khan Yunis and Rafah in the south of Gaza, intense bombardment of different areas of Gaza by the Zionist regime and France's request for a ceasefire in Gaza are among the most important developments of the 82nd day of Al-Aqsa storm.

Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) - International Service: On the 82nd day of the Al-Aqsa storm operation, the Zionist regime's air and artillery attacks on the Gaza Strip continue, during which two houses were destroyed in the "Al-Maghazi" and "Al-Nusirat" camps in the center of the strip. Gaza was the target of this regime's air attack.

In the field scene, the conflict in the east of "Khan Yunus" and Rafah located in the south and the "Al Brij" camp in the center of the Gaza Strip continues simultaneously with the attacks of the Zionist regime's artillery on these areas.

The spokesman of the Zionist regime also acknowledged the death of 6 soldiers of this regime in the conflicts in Gaza and on the border with Lebanon.

The casualties of the Israeli army increased to 498 people
The Zionist army announced that three soldiers, including an officer, were killed in the clashes last night, and including these three, the number of military deaths of this regime increased to 498 since the beginning of the ground attack on Gaza on the 5th of August.

Al-Maghazi school in Gaza is evacuated following the Zionist bombings
The officials of al-Maghazi school in a camp of the same name in the center of the Gaza Strip decided to evacuate this school after more than 70 people were martyred in the bombardment of this camp during the last week.

In the reason for this decision, these officials said that the Israeli regime relentlessly targets the area around this school, where thousands of people have taken shelter, with its air and mortar attacks, and we are forced to evacuate it.

Yemen's new anti-Zionist operations/ drone attack on Eilat and targeting another ship in the Red Sea
The spokesman of the Yemeni armed forces announced new operations against the Zionist regime following his previous warnings to Israeli ships and ships whose destination is the ports of occupied Palestine.

Yahya Saree announced that the Yemeni armed forces targeted the commercial ship "MSC United" in the Red Sea after more than 3 warnings.

The spokesman of the Yemeni armed forces also announced that the Yemeni armed forces targeted the "Umm al-Rasrash" area (Eilat) in the south of occupied Palestine and several other areas with drones.

The attack of the Iraqi Islamic resistance on the American military base in Shadadi, Syria
The Islamic resistance in Iraq took responsibility for the rocket attack on the American military base in Shadadi, Syria, by publishing a statement.

Clash in "Al-Dahisheh" camp in Bethlehem
Palestinian sources reported intense clashes between the Palestinian resistance and the Israeli occupying forces in al-Dahisheh camp in Bethlehem, located in the West Bank.

Heavy bombardment of different areas of Gaza/Palestinian fighters confronting Israeli soldiers on the front line of the battle
Local Palestinian sources reported heavy bombing of different areas of the Gaza Strip by the Zionist regime's fighters.

Some sources report a fierce conflict between the Palestinian resistance and the Israeli occupying forces in Jabalia al-Balad in the north of the Gaza Strip.

Referring to the intense conflict in the east of Rafah in the south of the Gaza Strip, the Palestinian media reported that the Palestinian resistance forces confronted the occupying forces and prevented the infiltration of the Zionist forces in the front of the conflict in the Gaza Strip, including in the "Al-Fakhari" area in the south of Khan Yunis.

Local reports have also been published about the continuation of clashes between the Palestinian resistance fighters and the Israeli occupying forces in Al-Nafaq, Al-Tuffah and Al-Darj areas in Gaza City.

6 martyrs in the attack of the Zionist drone on the "Noor Shams" camp
Palestinian media reported that the bodies of 6 Palestinian martyrs who were killed in a drone attack on Noor Shams camp were taken to the hospital in Tulkarm city.

Al-Mayadeen, quoting hospital sources, reported the martyrdom of 6 Palestinians and the wounding of several people in this attack.

The Palestinian Shahab news agency also reported the resumption of armed conflict between the Palestinian resistance and the Israeli occupying forces in this camp.

The Palestine Red Crescent also reported that a Palestinian youth was injured in an attack on the town of "Tyasir" in the south of Tubas.

The Zionists prevented the ambulance from entering the "Noor Shams" camp to transport the wounded
The Zionist regime targeted a group of Palestinian youths in al-Muhajr area in Noor Shams camp in Tulkarm, located in the West Bank of the Jordan River.

The exact number of martyrs and injured in this attack has not yet been published, but initial reports indicate that several people were martyred and wounded in this attack.

The occupying soldiers prevent the operation of ambulances and rescue vehicles to transport the injured to the hospital.

White House: Biden and Emir of Qatar discussed efforts to free the hostages
The White House announced that Joe Biden had discussed efforts to secure the release of the remaining hostages held by Hamas, including American hostages, in a call with the Emir of Qatar.

According to the statement of the White House, efforts to increase and facilitate humanitarian aid to Gaza were among the other topics discussed in the telephone conversation between the heads of the two countries.

America welcomed the election of the Dutch minister for Gaza affairs
The US State Department announced: We welcome the appointment of Sigrid Kag as the coordinator of humanitarian aid and reconstruction in Gaza.

In a statement, the United Nations appointed Dutch Minister Sigrid Kaag as the High Coordinator for Humanitarian Affairs and Gaza Reconstruction, who is scheduled to begin her work on January 8.

According to Antonio GutAs UN Secretary General, Sigrid will be responsible for establishing an international mechanism to expedite humanitarian aid to Gaza through non-conflict countries.

Hamas official: There is no ceasefire until the Zionist regime's aggression is stopped
"Zaher Jabarin," the head of the Office of Prisoners and Martyrs in the Hamas movement, announced: "There is no question of a ceasefire before the complete cessation of aggression against the Palestinian nation."

He also said that it is not true to prepare a list of Palestinian prisoners who can be released, and it will be discussed after the aggression stops.

At the same time, this Hamas official stressed that this movement will deal with all ideas and thoughts that lead to the cessation of aggression against the Palestinian nation with an open policy.

France calls for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza
In its new statement, the French Foreign Ministry, while emphasizing the observance of international humanitarian laws, once again called for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza.

At the same time, without mentioning Israel's crime and the West's inaction to force the Zionist regime to stop aggression against the people of Gaza, the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs strongly expressed concern about the "intensification of the conflict and the prolongation of the war in Gaza".

Story Code: 282987

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