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ICJ may issue arrest warrants for Netanyahu, officials: Israeli media

30 Apr 2024 - 12:09

Israeli media reports say that there is a possibility the International Court of Justice (ICJ) will secretly issue arrest warrants for officials of the Zionist regime for their role in the genocide in the Gaza Strip.

Afghan Voice Agency (AVA)-Monitoring: According to IRNA's Tuesday morning report quoting the Palestinian Sama news agency, the Hebrew language Israeli daily, Yedioth Ahronoth quoted a Zionist official as saying that ICJ may secretly issue the arrest warrants for the officials of the regime and they will come to know about it only when traveling outside Israel.
According to the Zionist media report, the US government is trying to prevent the top UN court in The Hague Court from issuing an arrest warrant for Benjamin Netanyahu, the Prime Minister of the Zionist regime.
On the other hand, the Hebrew-language Walla news site also reported on Netanyahu's incessant calls to Biden to prevent any arrest warrant for him.
Even though the Israeli regime denies the charge of genocide in Gaza, the International Court of Justice in its ruling on a case filed by South Africa, found it is "plausible" that Israel has committed acts that violate the Genocide Convention.
The case led to one of the most unprecedented isolations of the Zionists in international forums so far. Israel is facing further criticism for not abiding by the ICJ ruling delivered in January with directives to the Zionist regime.
Source IRNA

Story Code: 289633

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