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Development of economic relations between Russia and Iran; A golden opportunity to put aside American hegemony

31 Aug 2022 - 15:48

Habibullah Daneshyar / After the new wave of sanctions against Russia after the recent war in Ukraine, there are more fields and opportunities between this country and regional powers, including the Islamic Republic of Iran, to develop relations and form regional alliances. Iran is a country that has been facing various international sanctions from the West and America at the head of it for four decades, and in this way, it has not only continued to decline, but has also become one of the emerging powers in the region and the world. He has a lot of experience. In the meantime, Russia, under the leadership of its powerful and resourceful figure, Vladimir Putin, has been able to restore the Soviet Union's position as the greatest power in the East and return to its glorious past by restoring its economic and military power in the past decade.
In this regard, Putin's trips to Tehran and especially his meeting with the leadership of the Islamic Republic of Iran and his orders and proposals, especially to sideline America and the West and lay the groundwork for the collapse of Western power, including the exclusion of the dollar from regional and global economic transactions. , it seems that Russia has been prepared to face the interventions and disruptions of the West for a long time and today, this powerful country is standing against the sanctions of America and the West, but on the contrary, due to Europe's energy and food dependencies on Russia, the economy of the West It is grounded.
Meanwhile, since the new Western sanctions packages against Russia were imposed, Russia has not been slow to find alternatives to unfriendly countries, and the West's vacant seats in Russia are being filled by companies from other countries. Therefore, this year's trade expansion forum with Central Asia and Iran is a golden opportunity provided by Russia, and here we are talking about Iranian companies entering these positions and seizing them.
 The presence of Russia alongside a group of friendly countries such as China, India and Iran in a region full of promising resources, capabilities and opportunities makes all these countries independent from the hegemony of the United States and the West, and with their joint cooperation, these countries can The need for the West to build and raise the standard of living of its people.
Russia has all the necessary resources to do what is necessary, but Russia still needs friendly countries and allies to be by its side, and in return, these friendly countries, including Iran, are at the forefront of these countries, all to get what they deserve; Achievements that are suitable for Iran's position and distinguish Russia-Iran alliance relations.
In this regard, the Islamic Republic of Iran has entered the field with a special view on the development of relations, especially economic relations with Russia in the new era and is finalizing the 20-year strategic document of cooperation between the two countries, which can change the current level of relations. Definitely, the signing of this document will significantly increase the resilience of the two countries against US and Western sanctions and convey the message that no sanctions can weaken the power of the East, especially Russia and Iran, and with the development of economic cooperation It can neutralize any kind of sanctions. This year, the forum for the expansion of Russia's trade with Central Asia and Iran can be effective and useful more than ever in the field of developing economic, investment and trade relations in the target countries, especially Iran and Russia, especially with the focus on the private sector. Friendly regional companies will replace western enemy companies and their destructive role on the regional economy.

Story Code: 257926

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