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Ayatollah Raisi at the opening ceremony of the 36th International Islamic Unity Conference in Tehran;

Today, unity is not a tactic for us, but a very basic strategy

13 Oct 2022 - 11:17

Ayatollah Dr. Seyed Ebrahim Raisi, President of Iran, in his speech at the opening ceremony of the 36th International Islamic Unity Conference in Tehran, emphasized the special work and the main message of the 36th Islamic Unity Summit for Muslims to create a common understanding among all elites and intellectuals of the Islamic world in line with He mentioned unity and unity and said: Today, unity is not a tactic for us, but a very basic strategy and our visionary leader, Imam Khamenei (may God bless him and grant him peace) always emphasized this strategy as an inevitable necessity in the Islamic world.

Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) - Tehran: The 36th International Conference of Islamic Unity was held in person on Wednesday, October 12, with the presence of the President of the Islamic Republic of Iran, the Secretary General of the World Forum for the Approximation of Islamic Religions, and dozens of Islamic figures and thinkers from countries Various Islam and the world started working in the summit hall in Tehran.
In the opening ceremony of this conference, Hojjat al-Islam wal-Muslimin Sayed Noor Ahmad Mubarez, Deputy Director General of Tebyan Center for Cultural and Social Activities in the Scholars Department and also the head of the center's representative office in the holy city of Qom were also present. Apart from him, there was no significant figure from Afghanistan at the level of religious scholars physically present at this year's unity conference. Previously, the Secretary General of the World Forum for the Approximation of Islamic Religions had said in the press conference holding this conference that due to the lack of direct communication, there are no scholars affiliated with the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan in the Islamic Unity Conference, but some Shia and Sunni scholars in the sector attended this conference online.
Ayatollah Dr. Sayed Ibrahim Raisi, the President of Iran, in his speech at the opening ceremony of this conference, congratulated the blessed birth of the Prophet of Islam (PBUH) and Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) and welcomed the guests from all over the Islamic world, raising the question that in this Conference Where strategies should be used to promote unity in the Islamic Ummah and what are the necessary predictions to prevent division and separation? He said: "Looking at the comprehensiveness of religion" and "the responsiveness of religion to the needs of contemporary man" gives man the strength and power to stand against cultural invasions and the versions presented from the West and the East, which are not compatible with a religious life
Ayatollah Raisi stated that attending this meeting will lead to a common understanding between all influential figures in the Islamic world and stated: We have a huge capital in the name of religion, religious values, believers, Muslims, believers in the religion and Islamic lands, which are rich in material and a lot of spirituality is available to Muslims.
He further pointed to the civilization-building and synergistic capacity of Islamic countries and said: Today, Muslims have many commonalities that can create a great religious and civilizational power in the world and stand tall in front of all the claimants of civilization, raise their flag and for Contemporary man offers a lifestyle.
The President of Iran called the special work and the main message of the 36th Islamic Unity Summit for Muslims to create a common understanding among all the elites and intellectuals of the Islamic world in the direction of unity and unity and said: The message of this summit to its enemies is that we want the life of contemporary man. It should be done in the name of religion.
He stated that the holding of this meeting can play a significant role in promoting unity among Muslims, and added: The role of scholars, prominent people, cultured people, history makers and future makers is irreplaceable. Today, unity is not a tactic for us, but a very basic strategy. Imam Khamenei (RH) always emphasized this strategy as an inevitable necessity in the Islamic world and under the title that today unity and sit-in to the divine thread and God's will is an inevitable necessity.
Pointing out that the enemies launched a wave of Islamophobia against the unity strategy, Ayatollah Raisi clarified: To promote Islamophobia, they launched terrorism and many other conspiracies and seditions in the Islamic world, but what was able to destroy their conspiracies It was slow, coherence, unity, integration, enmity and anti-enmity, and in a word, insight.
He added: Today, everyone has a duty to explain in Jihad that the enemy appears to be capable and logical, but he does not understand logic, reasoning, firm expression. Satan has dominated their hearts and minds and they cannot understand the truth.
The President of Iran considered the love of Ahl al-Bayt, innocence and purity (AS) as one of the important axes of unity and harmony among Muslims and clarified: The holy presence of Imam Sadiq (AS) in his life has always emphasized this approximate view among religions.
He stated that it is through thinking and approximate thought that synergy can be created and things can be moved forward, adding: the view of takfiri that is divided, hatred and hatred is very harmful and dangerous, and this view must be in the hands of your scholars. And the educated will be marginalized.
Dr. Raisi emphasized that in addition to the policy of supporting the movement of resistance in the Islamic world, the Islamic Republic of Iran has chosen relations with Islamic countries and Muslims as a priority in its foreign policy, and stated: economic, cultural and social relations with countries Neighbors and Muslims are a priority for us. Islamic countries and Muslims are the priority of our cooperation in foreign policy.
He did not consider the normalization of the Zionist regime's relations with Islamic countries and weak governments as a security factor and considered it the result of the behavior of the weak governments and not the Muslim nations and noted: Do the people of these countries also accept the normalization of relations with the Zionist regime? Never. In no way, the Muslim nations in the region have not accepted and will not accept the normalization of relations with the Zionist regime.
Shahriari: Dividing the Islamic world and promoting secular culture has been one of the most important projects of arrogance against the Islamic world
In the continuation of this opening meeting, Hojjat al-Islam wal-Muslims, Dr. Hamid Shahriari, Secretary General of the World Forum for the Rapprochement of Islamic Religions, while welcoming the guests of the conference, stated: During the last two centuries, we have witnessed war, bloodshed, and conflict in the Islamic world, for this reason We set the theme of the 36th Unity Conference as "Islamic unity, peace and avoiding division and conflict in the Islamic world, executive solutions and operational measures".
He further briefly mentioned the reasons for the troubles of the Islamic world and the arrogant projects in this field and said: The first project of the enemy was that they put the division of the Islamic world on the agenda. They separated the Indian subcontinent and the Ottoman government and parts of Iran; they sought to divide Syria and followed the scorched earth project in this country.
Dr. Shahriari added: Another project of the enemy is to promote secular and liberal culture among Islamic countries. They know that Islam is the creator of civilization and this issue has stolen sleep from their eyes, and while Islam is a religion of mercy, they introduce it as a religion of violence in order to fuel differences and conflicts in Islamic countries.
 He further mentioned some other causes of conflicts in Islamic countries as follows:
 - The existence of some textual differences among Islamic religions
- The existence of some leading governments among Islamic countries
- The ignorance of some fanatical followers of the Shia and Sunni religions
Lack of religious democracy in some Islamic countries
 - Existence of opposition blocs and parties in some countries
While explaining the reasons for the conflicts between Islamic countries, the Secretary General of the Association of Islamic Religions said: "We must come to the field and use the following strategies to deal with the enemy's projects:
- Prescribe Ijtihad in all religions and respect the politeness of differences
- Clarifying ignorance is one of the duties of scholars and exposing the enemy's projects is one of the duties of the media, and we should have the Jihad of explanation on our agenda by using modern tools.
Islamic nations must pursue their rightful demands in autocratic governments
- Dear people and sectarianism are against Islam and the Muslim Ummah should avoid it and all of them should hold on to the divine rope and know that the criterion of superiority in our religion is piety and divine guidance.
- Pursuing rational methods to resolve disputes
- Constructive and healthy competition between Islamic countries
In the continuation of this meeting, Islamic thinkers from different countries such as Malaysia, Indonesia, Algeria, Palestine, Pakistan, Iraq, Lebanon, etc. spoke about the issue of Islamic unity and emphasized the need to avoid division and differences among Islamic societies.
On the sidelines of the opening ceremony, a number of books with topics of devotion, including unity in the intellectual system of the Supreme Leader, the future of Islamic civilization, a civilization in the light of the civilization-creating Imam Ayatollah Khamenei, and three books from the collection of Sunni works on the virtues of Ahl al-Bayt (PBUH) , the jurisprudence of the Daesh caliphate is a challenging endeavor, the flow theory of Pakistan, the flow theory of the Republic of Azerbaijan, etc. were unveiled in the presence of the President of Iran.
This conference continues for three days, until Friday, October 13, 2022, and will end with the release of a statement.

Story Code: 259640

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