Publish dateSunday 12 January 2025 - 15:28
Story Code : 304489
Social Justice in the Words of Imam Ali (AS)
Social justice is one of the fundamental concepts in the thought of Imam Ali (AS) that has been repeatedly addressed in his speeches and letters, especially in Nahj al-Balagha. Imam Ali (AS) introduces justice not only as an individual virtue, but also as a fundamental pillar for establishing public order and peace in society.
Seyyed Hassan Mousavi/ Some of the most important criteria of social justice in the words of Imam Ali (AS) are:

Righteousness and observance of people's rights
In his letters and sermons, especially in his letter to Malik al-Ashtar, Imam Ali (AS) states that people have rights that rulers must respect. He says: "People are either your religious brothers or they are equal to you in creation." This expresses the Imam's comprehensive view of all human beings.

Eliminating discrimination and equality
In his sermons and speeches, Imam Ali (AS) repeatedly referred to the issue of discrimination and strongly criticized discrimination in society. He believes that justice is not possible without equality and the elimination of discrimination. In Sermon 216 of Nahj al-Balagha, the Imam strongly criticizes inequality and discrimination in the distribution of resources, considering it contrary to the principles of justice.

Fair Distribution of Resources
One of the characteristics of the rule of Imam Ali (AS) was special attention to the fair distribution of the public treasury. In his dealings with his agents, the Imam strongly condemns the misuse of the public treasury. In his famous sermons, the Imam says: “If you have taken anything from public funds, I will take it back from you, even if it is as dowry for your wives or money to buy your slaves.” This statement shows that the Imam does not condone any abuse of the public treasury.
During his rule, Ali (AS) placed great emphasis on the principle of justice and fair distribution of resources. In Nahj al-Balagha and other historical sources, the words and actions of the Imam clearly indicate the effort for social and economic justice in society.
Imam Ali (AS) emphasizes that the treasury belongs to all people and should be distributed equally among them. In Sermon 207 of Nahjul-Balagha, he said: “If the treasury is distributed properly and fairly, no one will remain poor.”

Accountability of the Responsible
Imam Ali (AS) strongly emphasized the accountability of those in charge.
According to Imam Ali (AS), accountability and responsibility of those in charge is one of the most important principles of just governance. In various sermons and letters, Imam Ali (AS) advises in his letter to Malik al-Ashtar (Letter 53 of Nahjul-Balagha) that governors and officials should listen to the complaints of the people and observe equality in administering justice among all people, whether relatives or strangers.

Supporting the Weak and Oppressed
Imam Ali (AS) always defended the rights of the poor and oppressed and considered them to be priorities of his government. In Sermon 207 of Nahj al-Balagha, the Imam says: “God has placed sustenance in the wealth of the rich, so there will be no poor or hungry person, unless the rich have usurped his right.”
In Imam Ali’s (a.s.) view, one of the most important duties of the government is the rights of the weak and needy classes of society.
In a letter to Malik al-Ashtar, he says: “By God, by God, about the low and worthless class who have no choice, that is, the poor and needy, the destitute and the landless. In this class there are those who do not ask the people for anything, but they are in need.

Fighting Corruption
Fighting corruption was one of the basic principles in the governance of Imam Ali (a.s.). In his speeches and in person, he always limited himself to fighting corruption, oppression and discrimination. In the words of Imam Ali (a.s.), we can clearly point to anti-corruption and seeking justice in various fields.
In his letters to officials and governors, Imam Ali (AS) states that in order to prevent corruption, one should constantly and carefully monitor their actions and behavior. In letter 53 of Nahjul-Balagha, he says to Malik Ashtar: "Do not overlook the corruption of officials and always be careful about their actions."
This sentence shows that Imam Ali (AS) has asked Malik to address internal corruption in government agencies.
In sermon 193 of Nahjul-Balagha, he says: "Akim should always avoid corruption and be careful not to fall into corruption himself."

Justice in Judgment
Another aspect of social justice in Imam Ali's (AS) view is justice in judgment and arbitration.
From the perspective of Imam Ali (AS), justice in judgment is one of the important principles that must always be observed in rulings and judgments. Imam Ali (AS) has emphasized fairness, respecting people's rights, and preventing oppression in many of his speeches. Imam Ali (AS) advises judges who give opinions to be impartial in their judgment and not to discriminate between disputes.
Imam Ali (AS) says in a letter to Malik Ashtar: “If you come to judge between two people, do not oppress either of them because of their wealth, position, or any other characteristic.”
With these profound views, Imam Ali (AS) presents an eternal model of a just ruler in the world for people whose government is based on social justice. These principles provide valuable lessons not only for their time but for all societies throughout history in order to create a just and humane society.
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