Publish dateThursday 11 January 2018 - 12:41
Story Code : 156206
Afghanistan-India intelligence nexus contributing to regional instability: Asif
The foreign minister of Pakistan Khwajah Mohammad Asif has claimed that the intelligence nexus between Afghanistan and India is contributing to regional instability.

AVA- Asif made the latest claims during a meeting with the foreign diplomats which was organized in reaction to the recent US moves for blocking the security aid to Pakistan.

“They were provided details about the success of Operation Zarb-e-Azb and Radd-ul-Fassad which had eliminated terrorist presence in Pakistan. They were also briefed about the terrorist threat emanating from the safe havens and sanctuaries in Afghanistan, which is resulting in loss of human lives and damage to infrastructure in Pakistan,” the ministry of foreign affairs of Pakistan said.

It also added “Details were also provided on how Indian belligerence and unhelpful posturing is distracting Pakistan’s counter terrorism efforts and how an active RAW/NDS nexus is verifiably working to undermine Pakistan’s internal stability.”

This comes as the US President Donald Trump last week criticized Pakistan in strong words for harboring the terrorist groups despite receiving billions in aid to support the counter-terrorism efforts in Afghanistan.

The US State Department also announced last week that Washington has suspended all security aid to Pakistan until the country takes decisive actions against the terror groups.

A senior US State Department official also said last week that “We believe that there is significant evidence that leadership of the Haqqani Network resides inside Pakistan and is able to plan and execute from Pakistan attacks inside Afghanistan. So the disagreement is much more about those facts than it is on our overarching goals in the strategy. And we need them to address these sanctuaries in order for us to be able to be enabled to succeed in Afghanistan.”

Source : Afghan Voice Agency(AVA)
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