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Nine IS Militants Killed in Nangarhar Operations

Afghan Voice Agency(AVA) , 4 Feb 2018 - 17:25

At least nine Islamic State (IS) militants have been killed in Achin district of eastern Nangarhar province, the provincial media office said in a statement Sunday.

AVA- According to the statement, the culprits were killed in airstrike and ground operations of Afghan security forces.

Meanwhile, two Taliban militants including the group’s recruitment officer were also arrested by Afghan forces, the provincial media office said in a separate statement.

“Mawlawi Rafiullah, the Taliban recruitment officer who is the resident of Khogyani district has been arrested in police district 4 of Jalalabad City,”  the statement reads.

Nangarhar is one of the insecure provinces of Afghanistan, where the Taliban and IS militants have presence in its number of remote districts.

However, Afghan forces backed by the Resolute Support mission have conducted many offensives including huge number of airstrikes to suppress the terrorists across the province.

Story Code: 157599

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