Publish dateMonday 14 May 2018 - 15:46
Story Code : 163632
1,000s Gazans Start Huge Rally of "Great March of Return", Casualties Reported
A large number of protesters gathered along the Gaza border as the "Great March of Return" demonstrations entered a sensitive stage, as tens of Palestinians have been killed and thousands more wounded during the rallies in recent weeks, and officials expect that the rally would be much more violent than those of the previous weeks.
AVA- Tens of people have been wounded since Monday morning with the Zionist army firing live ammunition, as the Tel Aviv regime has ordered its soldiers to prevent protesters from crossing into occupied Palestine at any price.
The rally also coincided with the moving of the US Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, in line with the Washington recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel in December, furthering stoking tensions and angering Palestinians.  
Organizers of the Great March of Return stressed that they are expecting as many as one million people to join the demonstration and attempt to cross the fence with Israel from various points across the border.
The Zionist air force dropped leaflets over the Gaza Strip on Sunday, warning Palestinians not to approach the fence and threatening to target Hamas facilities in the besieged territory if they breach the barrier.
Tens of thousands of Palestinians have launched the Great March of Return in the besieged Gaza Strip to demand their right of return to their villages and towns they were forcibly displaced.
The 46-day peaceful protests begun on March 30, which coincided with the 42nd anniversary of the Land Day, which marks the day Zionist forces killed six Palestinians during protests against land confiscation in 1976. It continues until May 15, which marks the 70th anniversary of the Nakba (catastrophe), in which over 750,000 Palestinians were forcibly displaced from their homes in 1948.
Since the start of the rallies, nearly 50 Palestinians have been killed and over 8,000 injured along the fence in Gaza, with no reports of Zionist casualties, according to reports.
The United Nations top human rights official has strongly condemned Israel’s use of “excessive force” on Palestinian protesters in the Gaza Strip. UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Zeid Ra'ad al-Hussein has stressed that Zionist regime had to stop the practice and hold to account those responsible for the many deaths and injuries.
Palestinian and foreign doctors have reported that the live fire used by Israeli troops has caused unusually severe injuries among protesters in the besieged Gaza Strip over the past month.
Doctors Without Borders (MSF) also stated its medical teams have given post-operative care to people “with devastating injuries of an unusual severity, which are extremely complex to treat".
"The injuries sustained by patients will leave most with serious, long-term physical disabilities,” the aid group stressed. 
“Half of the more than 500 patients we have admitted in our clinics have injuries where the bullet has literally destroyed tissue after having pulverized the bone,” Marie-Elisabeth Ingres, the organization’s head of mission in the Palestinian territories, said.
The Ministry of Health has also reported that Zionist forces used an ”unknown” gas against unarmed, peaceful Palestinians in Gaza.
Despite ongoing international condemnation, Zionist regime continues to use lethal force in suppressing the protesters, who are unarmed and are vulnerable in the face of the heavily armed Zionist soldiers stationed at the borders.

The regime had previously deployed military vehicles and special forces, including 100 snipers, to Gaza’s border, while the regime’s forces had also been authorized to shoot at the demonstrators.

Multiple human rights organizations have come out in full condemnation of Israel’s violent raid on the massive unarmed civilian protests in the besieged sliver.

Human Rights Watch (HRW) slammed Zionist’s killing of Palestinian protesters as “unlawful” and “calculated”, saying those officials who authorized the Israeli military to use lethal force ahead of the mass rallies in Gaza are to blame for the bloodshed.
The HRW added that footage of the Gaza demonstrations includes no evidence of protesters using firearms, questioning the Israeli claim that the number of Palestinians injured by live ammunition was likely in the dozens.
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