Publish dateSaturday 30 June 2018 - 18:04
Story Code : 166245
Syrian Army Wins Control over More Strategic Areas in Dara
The Syrian army won back control of 2 regions and a strategic hill from the terrorists in Dara'a, finding footprints of certain western and regional states in militants' strongholds.
AVA- The Syrian army forces engaged in heavy clashes with the terrorists in Northern Dara'a on Saturday, regaining control of the village of al-Ja'eilah West of Abta'a dam.
Meantime, reports from Eastern Dara'a said that the Syrian army forces have liberated the town of Karak after clashes with the terrorists.
Also, the Syrian army units captured the strategic heights of al-Zamitiyeh from the terrorists in Western Dara'a.
Al-Zamitiyeh heights overlook the military road which links East to the North-East, and West to the North-West of Dara'a.
The army troops also imposed control over two caches of mostly West-made arms during the mop-up operations in the town of Olama in Eastern Dara'a.
Other units of the army also discovered a large amount of medicine originated from certain regional states and international organizations at a field hospital in the town of Olama which were smuggled to Syria illegally.
In a relevant development on Friday, the Damascus army found a large depot of arms and ammunition that also contained Zionists and American missiles in Southern Syria as terrorists started fleeing the key towns in Northeastern Dara'a.
The army found a huge depot of arms and ammunition that is the largest ever seized from the terrorists and has branches in several caves and hideouts in al-Petra Mountain in Eastern Qalamoun.
The Syrian army's engineering units seized large caches of terrorists' military equipment during their mopping operations in the towns of Basr al-Harir and Naheteh in Northeastern Dara'a.
The government troops also found US-made TOW missiles, RPGs, mortar rounds, tanks and a large amount of bullets.
Basr al-Harir and Naheteh were among the largest terrorist bastions in Northeastern Dara'a that link Dara'a with Jordan's borders and al-Lajah region in the North.
The Syrian army had previously seized field hospitals and medicine made in Israel and Saudi Arabia from the terrorists in its military operations in Dara'a.
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