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Seven ISIS Loyalists Killed During Clearing Operation

خبرگزاری Afghn Voice Agency(AVA) , 3 Sep 2018 - 16:54

Afghan security forces by launching a clearing operation succeeded to annihilate 8 ISIS members in eastern Kunar province.

AVA- Ministry of national defense press office stated media, the operation has been conducted to suppress armed oppositions and ensure peace and stability in Sawki district, Kunar province, in which 7 ISIS fighters were killed and three others were injured.
Also several villages have been cleared from being of terrorists during the operation, the source added.
According to another report, some ammunitions and weapons have been discovered by Afghan security forces in eastern Nangarhar province.
The ammunitions and weapons have been seized during military operations conducted by Afghan security troops in different parts of Sarkh Roaud, Khogyani and Bati Koot districts of the provinces.

Story Code: 169958

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