Publish dateFriday 7 September 2018 - 01:01
Story Code : 170229
Pakistan doesn’t want peace to prevail in Afghanistan, says activist
AVA- It is a well-established fact that Pakistan is a safe haven to the most dreaded terrorists across the world. Of late, these terrorists have unleashed mayhem in an already volatile Afghanistan. Both Taliban and the ISIS are on a killing spree, who are allegedly working under direct patronage of Islamabad. Matiullah Matie, a social activist from Helmand province of Afghanistan, has urged the international community to isolate Pakistan from the diplomatic engagements and declare it a 'terrorist' nation. Matie firmly believes that nothing in Pakistan’s conduct suggests that it is willing to abandon its larger interest of destabilizing Afghanistan. He says locals in the strife-torn region were being exploited by terrorists who have snuffed out any chance of resistance from the people. He, however, believed that the persistent efforts of government will pay off one day. Pakistan has virtually been isolated off the global community, especially after the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) has grey listed it owing to its failure to stop terror funding. Only days ago, Islamabad received a major setback when the United States scrapped financial assistance of 300 million dollars, which it had earlier put on hold owing to Pakistan’s constant support to terrorism. Although the current dispensations has vowed to completely eradicate the terrorism from its soil. However, with the deep state of army providing an untiring support to the massacres of humanity it is highly unlikely that the status quo is shifting even a bit in the country.
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