Publish dateTuesday 25 September 2018 - 17:41
Story Code : 171505
Pentagon Adjusts Tactics as Afghan Troops’ Toll Rises: Mattis
U.S. Defense Secretary Jim Mattis has said that the U.S. military is adjusting tactics in Afghanistan as the Taliban continue to inflict heavy casualties on local forces.

“So far, they have taken hard casualties over the last year,” Mattis told reporters at the Pentagon.
“But they have continued to fight, and we are adjusting tactics. We’re bringing more support in certain areas,” he added, declining to go into further detail.
Based on U.S. President Donald Trump South Asian strategy, most of focus was on suppressing the Islamic State (IS) group and U.S. forces will advise Afghan military forces in war against Taliban.
“One of the main reason is that the U.S. military tactics was none-standard. These tactics are more on technology rather than human force,” Asadullah Nadim, military analyst said.
The U.S. Defense Secretary, meanwhile, announced to send 400 U.S. National Guard forces to Afghanistan.
“The U.S. forces should have airs support from Afghan troops, equip them more and launch further operations on enemies’ hideouts to not allow them for basic activities in the country,” Jawid Kohestani, military expert added.
This comes as the Afghan troops’ casualties are on rise as the opposition groups kill them, an average of 1,000 every month and the daily fatalities among Afghan troops were more than double that last week: roughly 57 a day.
Source : Afghan Voice Agency(AVA)
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