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Introduction to improvised explosive devices regional course for specialists from Central Asia and Afghanistan conducted in Tajikistan

خبرگزاری Afghn Voice Agency(AVA) , 4 Dec 2018 - 1:54

A five-day regional course, Introduction to Improvised Explosive Devices (I-IED), organized by the OSCE Programme Office in Dushanbe in the framework of the Integrated Co-operation on Explosive Hazards Programme concluded on 30 November 2018 in Dushanbe. 

AVA- The course was hosted by Tajikistan’s Defence Ministry and facilitated by the OSCE Programme Office in Dushanbe in partnership with the United States Army Central (USARCENT).
Twenty-one participants from Afghanistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan attended the course. The course participants represented Afghanistan’s Ministry of the Interior; the United Nations Mine Action Service; Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan’s Ministries of Defence; Tajikistan’s National Mine Action Centre, the National Guard of Tajikistan, the Committee of Emergency Situations and Civil Defence, the Union of the Sappers in Tajikistan and the Norwegian People's Aid Tajikistan.
The first part of the training course consisted of demonstrations of modern personal protective equipment and detection methods.  It was held at the OSCE premises in Dushanbe, including practical exercises with the direct involvement of the participants based on mixed teams.
Tim Gaetcke, the representative of Vallon GmbH, Germany, one of the most prominent manufacturers of metal detectors and dual sensors, also delivered a presentation to the course participants on contemporary detection devices.
Tomislav Vondracek, Programme Officer at the OSCE Programme Office in Dushanbe said: “Co-operation is the only way forward. The utilization of this learning platform also serves as an opportunity to share knowledge and experiences. We are grateful to our partners, USARCENT and Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Tajikistan for their support and encouragement to continue to conduct such events.”
The second part of the practical training course included a study visit to the Regional Explosive Hazards Training Centre in Chimteppa (17 kilometres south-west of Dushanbe) as well as a practical exercise on IED disposal at the training site in Lohur, some 25 kilometres south of Dushanbe.
Greg Niles, Explosive Ordnance Disposal Chief from the United States Army Central stated:  “Combating the challenges of explosive hazards throughout Central Asia can only be accomplished with continued co-operation between regional partners.  Our long-standing relationship with the OSCE Programme Office in Dushanbe, the Integrated Co-operation on Explosive Hazards Programme has been vital to bolstering partner nation capabilities.”
The next part of the training cycle, the Counter Improvised Explosive Devices Regional Course, is scheduled for 2019. The final training course, the Explosive Ordinance Disposal Level 3+ Improvised Explosives Devices Disposal Regional Course, is planned for 2020.

Story Code: 175227

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