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Pakistan-India Tensions Simmer despite Pilot’s Release

خبرگزاری Herat Afghan Voice Agency(AVA) , 3 Mar 2019 - 8:25

Pakistan and India seem to have stepped back from the brink of a war following days of diplomatic tensions and deadly exchange of fire across their borders in the disputed region of Kashmir.

AVA- The flare up between the two arch foes appeared to be easing along the Line of Control (LoC) on Saturday after Pakistan handed back Wing Commander Abhinandan Varthaman, the Indian pilot who was captured after Islamabad shot down his MiG-21 fighter jet this week over the alleged violation of Pakistani airspace.
Pakistan hailed Abhinandan’s return as “as a goodwill gesture aimed at de-escalating rising tensions with India” after weeks of unease that threatened to escalate into an all-out war.
However, reports emerged on Saturday that shelling across the LoC, which acts as a de facto border in the disputed Kashmir region, continued despite efforts by the international community to prevent a war between the two nuclear-armed neighbors.
The Pakistani military announced that its air force and navy “continue to be alert and vigilant,” while two of its soldiers were killed after exchanging fire with Indian troops along the LoC.
India’s military also accused Pakistan of firing mortar shells across the Line of Control.
Separately, a furious backlash erupted in India on Saturday over a video, in which the Indian pilot shot down by Pakistan was praising his captors.

Story Code: 180645

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