Publish dateSaturday 9 March 2019 - 16:51
Story Code : 181063
China supports Afghan-owned peace process
Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi called on international community to support "Afghan-led and Afghan-owned" peace and reconciliation process and appealed to all parties in Afghanistan to join hands to push open the door to peace.

Speaking to press on the sidelines of the second session of the 13th National People’s Congress on Friday, he said that there is no vacuum in Afghanistan that needs to be filled because the land belongs to the people of Afghanistan and they should seize the major opportunity for political reconciliation and settle and “beat swords into ploughshares” and settle difference through dialogues.
The Chinese top official stated that China as Afghanistan’s neighbouring country and friend respects Afghans’ wishes and needs and continues to do its best for reconciliation and reconstruction in Afghanistan.
“Afghanistan should not again become an arena of great-power rivalry, nor should it be subject to incessant conflict and mayhem,” said Wang Yi.
Moreover, Wang Yi stated that China calls on the international community to give firm support to the “Afghan-led, Afghan-owned” peace and reconciliation process and play a constructive role and build a momentum for dialogue.
According to Wang Yi, persuading peace talks requires courage than stoking conflict. He added that Afghanistan is at a critical moment. There are both potential dawn for peace and build-up of risks and challenges, he said.
“This year marks the centenary of Afghanistan’s independence. We ardently hope that this country, after suffering so much, will have a rebirth, take destiny into its own hands from now on, and enjoy genuine independence and lasting peace.” said Wang Yi.
Source : Afghan Voice Agency(AVA)
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