Publish dateSunday 4 August 2019 - 17:32
Story Code : 189521
Eighth Round of US-Taliban Talks Continue on Second Day
The eighth round of the talks between the United States and the Taliban continued on the second day behind the closed doors in Doha, the capital city of Qatar.

A member of the Taliban’s delegation says that if both sides reached an agreement, all the foreigner forces including their advisors and contractual staffs will leave Afghanistan based on a timeline.
“The war will end if we reach an agreement with the United States and the agreement is signed in presence of the international witnesses,” said Mawalawi Shahabuddin Delawar, a member of the Taliban’s delegation.
Meanwhile, some of the familiar sources with the talks say that both sides are working on inviting the organizations and countries for monitoring the peace agreement.
“The peace agreement is 80 percent finalized and only talking on some details have remained. The agreement will be signed in two to three days,” said Sayeed Akbar Agha, a former official of the Taliban.
“If the peace agreement signed, the election will not be held. Either an interim or a mixed government will be formed,” said Abdulwodod Sediqi, a former Taliban’s commander.
At the same time, as the Taliban and the U.S. say if they reach an agreement then the opportunity for the official intra-Afghan talks will be provided where the negotiators will discuss that ceasefire and involving the Taliban in the political power.
Concurrently to the US-Taliban talks in Doha, Chief Executive of the country, talks on the efforts which are taking place for beginning the intra-Afghan talks with the Taliban.
“The efforts underway for beginning the intra-Afghan talks including the Taliban. The Afghan people consider a sustainable peace as their priority,” said Abdullah Abdullah, Chief Executive of the country.
This comes as the American media have reported the Trump Administration is preparing to pull out around 6,000 of its troops as the preliminary agreement with the Taliban.
However, Zalmay Khalilzad, the U.S. Special Representative for Afghanistan Reconciliation, said that the U.S. seeking a peace agreement with the Taliban not the withdrawal of the American forces from Afghanistan.
Source : Afghan Voice Agency(AVA)
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