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Israel's presence in Afghanistan; Relief or influence?

29 Jun 2022 - 11:27

While the presence of the Zionist regime can be seen under the pretext of helping the earthquake-stricken areas of Afghanistan, a simple analysis shows that the purpose of this presence is not to provide relief, but to infiltrate.

Afghan Voice Agency (AVA): A non-governmental aid organization of the Zionist regime called "IsraAID" has announced that it is working for a humanitarian aids with earthquake stricken areas of Afghanistan that occurred last week in eastern Afghanistan with 1000 death and at least 2,000 injured.
​​Israeli New agency (C-21) quoted Youtman Polizter, chief executive of the institute said: "This activity is part of the organization's commitment to providing assistance in times of international crisis, and we are looking for lasting relationships with the victims.
There are a few things to consider about the so-called organization's efforts to provide relief to earthquake victims in the eastern provinces of Afghanistan;
First, it seems that it is an attempt to legitimize the Zionist regime in the eyes of the public before these aids are collected and sent to these areas with a humanitarian purpose.
Efforts that have already been on the agenda of this regime and it has tried to pursue it through various channels, especially through the normalization of relations with some Islamic countries.
In the meantime, however, what is clear and tangible is that the normalization of relations has not gone beyond the level of the heads of state, and that Muslim nations do not believe in friendship with the occupying regime in Jerusalem.
The second aspect that can be followed in this issue is that in the same report, it is stated that this institute was involved in the withdrawal of some Afghans from Kabul.
After the fall of Ashraf Ghani's government, the institute evacated167 vulnerable Afghans from Kabul to Albania and the UAE, Youtman Polizter said.
In the process of withdrawing Afghan nationals from Kabul, the procedure was defined in such a way that each foreign country withdrew its collaborating forces; An issue that is ambiguous about the Zionist regime and it is not clear whether this group of Afghan nationals have been transferred out of Afghanistan within this framework or whether only human motivation.
In addition, Youtman Polizter acknowledged that the organization is currently in contact with 1,000 Afghan nationals living in Albania, which has provided them with significant information about the Afghan people. He added that they have ongoing contacts with earthquake victims in the program.
Programs that clearly and recklessly announce the indirect efforts of the Zionist regime in the form of non-governmental organizations and aid organizations to expand the regime's influence in Islamic countries.
In another program, which can be evaluated in this regard, the Zionist regime had allocated $ 500,000 to the Afghan refugees in Tajikistan through the United Nations.
If the aid of this Israeli organization reaches Afghanistan, it will be the first time that Afghan citizens will receive aid directly at the address of the child-killing Zionist regime.
And the last point about this news is the possible reaction of the Islamic Emirate to it. The Islamic Emirate has not yet commented on the matter, and it is unclear how they will react to the aids from the Israelis.

Story Code: 254977

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