Publish dateMonday 4 July 2022 - 09:34
Story Code : 255202
China's ambassador in Kabul stated that the economic problems in Afghanistan are caused by the irresponsible intervention of the United States, saying that the United States has blocked the foreign exchange reserves of a nation that does not have money to buy its daily bread but spent 43 billion dollars on Ukraine.
Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) - Kabul: The Chinese ambassador in Kabul handed over the cash and non-cash aid of his country to the earthquake victims of the eastern provinces of the country to the head of the Afghan Red Crescent.
Sunday (July 3) Wang Yu; the ambassador of China in Kabul presented the monetary and non-monetary aid of the Red Cross Society of his country to the victims of the earthquake in Paktika and Khost provinces.
Mr. Wang Yu said: Today, in continuation of the Chinese people's aid to Afghanistan, we handed over 200,000 dollars in cash and 18 items of food and non-food items of the Chinese Red Cross Society to the authorities of Afghanistan to distribute to the victims of the recent earthquake.
He stated that the hearts of the Chinese people have been shaken by the recent earthquake in the eastern provinces of Afghanistan and said that the people of China and Afghanistan are sharing in sadness and happiness.
The Chinese ambassador in Kabul added: Since the recent earthquake in Afghanistan, we have provided 320 tons of food and non-food items to Afghanistan at a cost of 7.3 million US dollars.
Mr. Wang Yu assured the continuation of China's aid to Afghanistan and said: "In the next few days, other Chinese aid, including 200 tons of food and non-food items, will reach Afghanistan."
He called the economic problems in Afghanistan caused by America's irresponsible intervention in Afghanistan's affairs and said: "America has blocked the foreign exchange reserves of people who do not have money to buy their daily bread, while spending 43 billion dollars on Ukraine.
At the same time Maulvi Motiullah Khalis; the head of the Afghan Red Crescent thanked China for its help.
He stated that China played a very prominent role in rescuing the victims of the recent earthquake, and added: So far, aid from India, Pakistan, Iran, the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia and Bangladesh has reached Afghanistan for the recent incident.
It should be noted that 12 days ago, an earthquake measuring 6.1 on the Richter scale, centered in Paktika, shook parts of Afghanistan and Pakistan.
As a result of this earthquake, more than one thousand people were martyred, more than three thousand people were injured, and more than seventeen thousand residential houses of the residents of Paktika and Khost provinces were destroyed.
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