Publish dateTuesday 5 July 2022 - 14:22
Story Code : 255283
An exhibition to familiarize with ethnic cultures was held in Kabul
An exhibition to familiarize with the cultures of the country's ethnic groups has been held for three days by a private higher education institution in Kabul.
Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) - Kabul: Today, Tuesday (July 5), a number of female students of "Goharshad" Institute of Higher Education held an exhibition entitled "Cultural, Art and Handicrafts Exhibition of Goharshad Students" in which handicrafts and works Art of students, local foods, local sweets and dried fruit products from different provinces of the country have been exhibited.
The organizers of the cultural, artistic and handicraft exhibition of the students of Goharshad Higher Education Institute say that the purpose of holding this exhibition is to familiarize with the cultures of different ethnic groups in the country.
Nazari; In an interview with AVA reporter, the person who is the incharge of organizing this exhibition said that the purpose of holding it is to familiarize with the different cultures of the country's ethnic groups.
She added that handicrafts of the country are one of the most important sectors in the economic field and a lot of efforts should be made in this field.
She also stated: The clear message of holding this exhibition is that you can never limit us girls; because in fact, we girls, our effort is to contribute in all parts of the society.
She added: Our request to the society and "Islamic Emirate" is to support women who organize small businesses, handicrafts and exhibitions so that the talents of women in the country flourish.
Ali Shamim; The university professor also said in a conversation with AVA reporter: The idea of ​​holding this exhibition was presented by the female students of Goharshad University and we supported them.
He also stated that the message of holding this handicraft exhibition is the right to work and education for women. Because they have no shortage of men.
Stating that no economy will grow without the presence of women, this university professor added: Women play an active and efficient role in economic, cultural, and social development.
Mohammad Naqib Mousavi; the university professor also said that the handicrafts of each country are useful for entrepreneurship in the society and asked the educated youth of the country to take an active part in such exhibitions.
He stated that the support of handicrafts strengthens the foundations of the country's economy and said: Afghan handicrafts can be sent to other countries and offered to global markets.
The students who have booths in this exhibition say that their purpose of holding such exhibitions is to showcase the handicrafts, culture and customs of the country's tribes.
Haditha Azad; One of the visitors of this exhibition also said in a conversation with AVA reporter: This exhibition was held to showcase women's handicrafts and other talents that citizens can buy here.
She also stated that women should not give up under any circumstances and work for the progress of the country.
She asked the Islamic Emirate not to limit the basic rights of women and to allow women to work and study.
However, Aziza Shojai; in an interview with AVA reporter, one of the participants of this exhibition said: The message of this exhibition expresses our cultural identity, and the culture of each religion is different from each region, and these exhibitions help to know different cultures.
Stating that women are half of society, he said: If women do not study, then we will not have female doctors, and the Islamic Emirate must understand this issue.
Officials and participants of this exhibition also want the Islamic Emirate to support the women and girls of this land so that they can work together with men.
They demanded to open the gates of the schools to girl’s students above the 6th grade.
The participants of this exhibition say that the women and girls of this land have the right to lessons, education, work and education.
It should be mentioned that various exhibitions have been held in the country to showcase women's handicrafts and their talents, which have been welcomed by the citizens.
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