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Dialogue between Pakistan and Pakistani Taliban

20 Jul 2022 - 14:44

The Taliban are facilitating the government of Pakistan in its talks with groups such as Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP), also known as Pakistani Taliban.

Afghan Voice Agency(AVA)_Monitoring, Mansoor Ahmad Khan, Pakistan’s ambassador to Kabul, was cited in a report by Pakistani media saying that the Afghan Taliban were seeking to reconcile the government of Pakistan and TTP and restore their relations, on 19th July.

The negotiation process, according to ambassador Mansoor Ahmad Khan, is still in progress, and the Pakistani government is “grateful” to the Afghan Taliban for their cooperation in preserving international peace.
Blaming India, the ambassador said that terrorists operating inside Afghanistan for over the past 20 years are sponsored, trained, and supported by India.

The Afghan Taliban are hosting the Pakistani Taliban in this third round of talks with the government of Pakistan, according to the Pakistani diplomat.

The first round of negotiations between the Pakistani parties and the Afghan Taliban mediator was reportedly futile according to Pakistani officials.
However, the second round of negotiations between the Pakistani parties with the Taliban mediation was successful, as it secured a temporary ceasefire between the parties.

The Taliban have yet to respond to Ahmed Khan’s statement. This comes as Pakistan’s ambassador urged the international community to step up engagement with the Taliban to avert the growing threat of economic collapse, which is aggravated by severe hunger and unemployment.

Story Code: 255932

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