Publish dateThursday 8 September 2022 - 10:12
Story Code : 258308
About 200 Afghan immigrants were deported from Tajikistan
According to sources in Tajikistan, this country has deported around 200 Afghan immigrants. According to them, this has caused a number of immigrants to seek refuge in the country's embassy in Tajikistan due to the fear of deportation.
Afghan Voice Agency (AVA): According to sources, a number of Afghan families have rush to the Afghan embassy in Tajikistan due to the fear of forced deportation.
"Eurasia Net", an American media outlet, quoted its sources as saying that organizations working with Afghan refugees have advised them not to leave their homes, except for absolutely necessary situations.
In the report, quoting an Afghan refugee who asked to remain anonymous, stated: Today, three of my neighbors were deported and so far, no information has been provided about the reasons for their deportation.
It should be mentioned that at the beginning of this year, the Afghan Embassy in Tajikistan announced that there are about ten thousand Afghan immigrants in this country. Since then, about 4,000 of them have obtained Canadian residency.
Meanwhile, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees has recently criticized the Tajik government for the forced deportation of Afghan immigrants.
This organization has warned by publishing a notice that the forced return of the migrants is an illegal act and this puts their lives in danger.
According to this agency, on August 23, the government of Tajikistan returned five Afghan migrants, including three children and their mother, to Afghanistan through the "Panjpayan" port in the south of that country, despite the intervention of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees.
Elizabeth Tan, head of international protection for the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, said: "We ask Tajikistan to stop detaining and deporting refugees, which clearly endangers their lives."
He added that forced deportation of asylum seekers is against immigration laws and against the principle of non-deportation.
The United Nations has emphasized that since last year, this organization has recorded many cases of detention of migrants and forced deportation of refugees in Tajikistan.
According to this organization, by deporting these immigrants, they will be harassed in their country, which is a serious violation of international laws.
It should be mentioned that after the Islamic Emirate took control of Afghanistan, hundreds of migrant families have gone to Tajikistan, and it is said that they are in a bad situation. Because the government of Tajikistan has very strict restrictions on Afghan immigrants.
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