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Student Day March and National Day of Fighting Global Arrogance in Iran/ Raisi: Iran will not become America's milking cow

4 Nov 2022 - 14:37

Today, october 4, the march of the Student Day and the National Day of Fighting Global Arrogance was held in front of the former American Embassy in Iran. During this march, in which the President of Iran was also present, he said in response to Joe Biden's speeches and interventions in Iran's affairs: Iran will never become America's milking cow.

Afghan Voice Agency (AVA):  Ayatollah Seyed Ebrahim Raisi, the President of Iran today (Friday, October 4) during the ceremony of Student's Day and the National Day of Combating Global Arrogance in front of the former American spy nest in this country said: Today is Student's Day. It is the day of students and the day of fighting global arrogance; Arrogance is the complete meaning of arrogance and selfishness.
He added: In our religious culture, there is an emphasis on self-improvement, and that man should make God the ruler over himself and become God-seeking instead of selfishness and God-seeing instead of self-conceit.
Ayatollah Raeesi stated that a self-conceited person who has suffered from a depraved spirit in a neighborhood, city, country and region has benefited from a great moral conscience, adding: this person only sees himself and thinks of his own interests; Even if many people are destroyed and the interests of the nation are lost.
He continued: God Almighty in the Quran and all religious leaders warned all people to be careful not to fall into arrogance and self-conceit, which is a danger that not only harms one's own life, but also endangers everyone's life and causes the downfall of a society. will be
The President of Iran said: Today is the symbol and manifestation of the arrogance of the ruling system of the United States, which, according to Imam Rahal, is the great devil and is ready to destroy the interests of many people in the far corners of the world in order to achieve its own interests.
Referring to the seditions and conspiracies of America in the last 43 years, Ayatollah Raisi said: the dimensions of all seditions must be explained and clarified; Because they want to continue their domination by sedition in any way possible.
He pointed out: If the great movement of Khat Imam students on the October 4 was not to fight against arrogance, the fight against colonialism would remain incomplete.
Addressing Joe Biden, the president of Iran stated that a few hours ago, I was informed that the president of the United States said something that may have been due to his distraction. Do not come and the cow will never be milked.
Ayatollah Raisi added: Will we stop with your threats and sanctions? You seek to slow down the pace of development in Iran, and the United States knows that Iran is progressing, and that is why they seek to isolate Iran, but they have failed in all plans against our country.
He stated that with the efforts and oppressed martyrdom of General Soleimani, all the plans of America and the enemies of Islamic Iran were defeated and Hajj Qasim became a symbol of the fight against terrorism in the world, adding: Let everyone know that today the enemy of our unity and cohesion, progress, hope, peace and It has targeted power in Islamic Iran.

Story Code: 260518

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