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Hussaini Mazari at the meeting of the Mutalfa Islamic Party in Tehran;

The Islamic Emirate and the neighboring countries and the region did not take advantage of the opportunity of failure and disgraceful withdrawal of America from Afghanistan

7 Jan 2023 - 10:34

The general director of the Center for Cultural and Social Activities, Tebyan, in a speech at a meeting of the Mutalfa Islamic Party, one of the long-established, revolutionary and well-known parties in the Islamic Republic of Iran, in Tehran, stating that the defeat and disgraceful withdrawal of America from Afghanistan created a new opportunity to It has not yet been properly exploited by various currents, including the Islamic Emirate and neighboring countries and the region. He called the region among the parties supporting the resistance to the issue of Afghanistan, until they recognize the sovereignty of the Islamic Emirate and exploit it.

Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) - Tehran: A question and answer session of Mutalfa Islamic Party, one of the long-established and well-known parties in the Islamic Republic of Iran, on the nature of the developments in Afghanistan, on Thursday, January 5, with the presence of Hojat al-Islam wal-Muslimin Sayed Isa Hussaini Mazari. The general director of the Tebyan Cultural and Social Activities Center was held as an expert, as well as Asadullah Badamchian, the secretary general of this party.
Dr. Mohammad Hussain Niknam, International Vice President of Mutalfa Islamic Party and secretary of this meeting, regarding the importance of the Afghanistan issue, emphasized that paying attention to this issue and this country is not a choice, but a necessity.
Asadollah Badamchian, the Secretary General of Mutalfa Islamic Party, in a short speech before the program's expert, emphasized that the world is undergoing a special transformation, both on the international stage and on the stage of nations and governments, and this is a great opportunity that should be taken advantage of. Especially used by parties supporting the resistance. He further pointed out the nature of the recent riots in the Islamic Republic of Iran and the failure of the western conspiracies.
Unsuccessful attempt to involve the people of Afghanistan in the riots in Iran
However, Hojjat-ul-Islam wal-Muslimin Sayed Isa Hussaini Mazari, the general director of Tebyan Center for Cultural and Social Activities in the expert department of the latest developments in Afghanistan, referring to the riots of the past months in Iran, pointed out that the enemies tried to use some Afghan forces in this matter. But this plan was thwarted by the Islamic currents in the country, including Tebyan Center and its media group. In one case, he mentioned the release of the video clip "For the girl next door" and its wide reflection.
Martyr Soleimani has a great right to the Afghan people
In the second part of his speech, referring to the anniversary of the martyrdom of Qasim Soleimani, he emphasized that this high-ranking martyr has a great right on the shoulders of the resistance parties and countries, including the people of Afghanistan, especially during the jihad and the resistance after that, as well as the period It has been 20 years. Afghanistan was one of the important areas of martyr Soleimani's mission during his life.
According to Hussaini Mazari, Martyr Soleimani was present in the jihad and resistance fronts of Afghanistan, in the Bonn conference in 2001, he caused the situation to progress in such a way that it did not fully comply with America's wishes.
The defeat and disgraceful withdrawal of America and the withdrawal of the Islamic Emirate from isolation was caused by the way of view of Martyr Soleimani
He considers the developments of the past 1 years in Afghanistan and the defeat and disgraceful withdrawal of America from the country as a result of the way of view of martyr Soleimani and says: because of the way of view of martyr Soleimani, the Islamic Emirate will come out of isolation at one point and will be noticed. It is becoming global and even America is changing its approach towards the Islamic Emirate, therefore, naturally, the Islamic Emirate is also indebted to the type of view and policy of Martyr Soleimani and the Islamic Republic of Iran in Afghanistan.
This political activist emphasized that the continuation of the policy and approach of Martyr Soleimani in the Afghanistan issue and supporting it will benefit both countries.
America's failure and withdrawal from Afghanistan is an opportunity that has not been properly exploited
But regarding the nature of the current developments in Afghanistan, Hosseini Mazari emphasized that the situation in Afghanistan today is much better and more satisfactory than the 20 years of the republican rule, especially for the Islamic movements and the people, although it could be much better than the current situation.
He stated that the defeat and disgraceful withdrawal of America from Afghanistan created a new opportunity, which has not yet been exploited by various currents, including the Islamic Emirate and neighboring countries and the region.
1- The Islamic Emirate's failure to use the available opportunity
According to Hosseini Mazari, although the Islamic Emirate has done good work in various fields, it still has not been able to use this capacity in an optimal way and there is a need for greater cohesion.
He pointed out that the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan has not been able to do significant work during this period, especially by using the capacities of Afghanistan's neighbors, but there have been some contradictions and frictions with the neighboring countries. This is despite the fact that if we want security and stability in Afghanistan, we must have a positive and peaceful relationship with our neighbors, and if we do not use the existing capacity and cooperation with our neighbors, despite the support of the whole world, security and stability will not be achieved in Afghanistan. , as in the last 20 years, the world with all its facilities could not create security and stability.
Based on this, the head of the Tabian Center emphasized that in the current situation, the Islamic Emirate's government should use the capacity of the neighboring countries and the region.
2- People and elites not using the available opportunity
On the other hand, he pointed out that the people of Afghanistan, especially the elites, could not use the opportunity created after the defeat and withdrawal of America, and most of the elites fled: today 80-90% of the elites have fled the country and On the other hand, instead of trying for peace and stability in the country, they engage in destructive actions from outside and have a negative view of the situation.
Hussaini Mazari added that despite some negative portrayals abroad by enemy elements, their mercenaries, survivors and elements affiliated with the previous government, as well as ignorant and ignorant elements, under no circumstances does the Taliban seek to create problems for the elites and personalities, rather their presence in The country welcomes them and provides the necessary facilities for their presence and activities.
He once again criticized the lack of presence of clerics in Afghanistan and returning to the country and asked why tens of thousands of clerics from the cities of Mashhad, Qom and Tehran do not return to the country when there are various conspiracies in Afghanistan. While this opportunity is lost.
3- Failure of regional and neighboring countries to use the available opportunity
On the other hand, this expert on Afghanistan issues emphasized that the neighboring countries and the region also did not use the opportunity created after the defeat and withdrawal of America from Afghanistan. After America's withdrawal, these countries should have acted quickly and filled the void of America's absence with their presence, but they did not do so.
This is despite the fact that, according to him, on the one hand, by creating insecurity, threats and various crises, America is trying to prevent the presence of the powerful countries of the East, especially China, Russia, Iran and India, in Afghanistan and harm their interests. And on the other hand, to provide the ground for his presence and influence again in our country.
Hussaini Mazari stated that it was expected that countries like China and Russia would not be fooled by America's actions, but they did the opposite and, following the attacks on the Russian embassy in Kabul and the hotel where Chinese citizens are staying, somehow retreated so that America could be present.
He emphasized that America seeks to expand its influence and presence in Central Asia and South Asia, and this program is only aimed at involving most of Afghanistan's neighboring countries, in order to somehow prevent the transfer of economic power from the West to the East. There should be no doubt about the recent developments in Iran that America is behind the scenes.
The head of Tebyan Center called for the serious attention of the neighboring countries and the region, including the parties supporting the resistance, to the issue of Afghanistan, to the extent that they go to the sovereignty of the Islamic Emirate and recognize it and take advantage of it. We are sure that in the future, Afghanistan will be the center of gravity of stability and security in the region, and peace and stability in the region as well as in the Islamic world is dependent on peace and stability in this country.
Although, according to him, there are problems in the functioning of the Islamic Emirate, some conditions and pressures to reform the Taliban's colonial approach are against it.
Emphasis on strengthening the role of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Afghanistan
According to Hussaini Mazari, although the policy of the Islamic Republic of Iran regarding Afghanistan is a good policy and the people involved in this policy, including Mr. Kazemi Qomi and Seyed Hassan Mortazavi, are making very good efforts, but it is necessary that the Islamic Mutalfa Party as a party With its roots and authority in the Islamic Republic of Iran, it should perform its duties in line with the direction of Iran to play a greater role in Afghanistan, and we are interested in doing more.
The situation of Afghan Shia under the rule of the Islamic Emirate; Criticism of the lack of unity and coherence
In the question and answer section, in response to a question about the situation of Shiites in Afghanistan and the Islamic Emirate's view of it, especially the presence of Shiites in power and governance, he said: There have been no obstacles to the presence of Shiites on the part of the Islamic Emirate. Meanwhile, one of the parties that should take advantage of the current opportunity in Afghanistan is the country's Shiites. During the past 20 years, Shiites have not been able to enjoy a proper position as a power and create a balance, and after the collapse of the republic, most of the Shiite personalities left Afghanistan, and besides the Council of Shiite Ulamas and also the Tebyan Center, they have no presence. There are other Shiite parties and currents inside the country.
This is despite the fact that according to the head of the Tebyan Center, this center proposed the discussion of interaction with the Islamic Emirate for the first time last year, after which the Shia Ulama Council also reached the same conclusion. The positions of the major Shia authorities in the recent meetings of the leadership members of the Council of Shia Scholars in Iran and Iraq are also in a way confirming the positions of Tebyan regarding the interaction with the Islamic Emirate.
However, he criticized that the Islamic Emirate is also dissatisfied with the lack of unity and cohesion among the Shiites, and the difference between the Shiite currents and some totalitarianism has caused the Shiite community to not have the necessary power to interact and bargain with the Islamic Emirate.
Hussaini Mazari emphasized that the situation of the Shiites during the rule of the Islamic Emirate is a hundred times better than in the past, because today at least our religion is safe.

Story Code: 263473

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