Publish dateThursday 12 January 2023 - 13:54
Story Code : 263726
Widespread reactions to the terrorist attack against the Ministry of Foreign Affairs/Afghanistan
The suicide attack yesterday (Wednesday, January 11) in front of the entrance of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which led to the martyrdom and wounding of dozens of people, including the diplomats of this ministry, has faced widespread domestic and international reactions. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Emirate has strongly condemned this attack and the head of this ministry has visited the injured. The ISIS terrorist group has taken responsibility for this explosion.
Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) - Kabul: These reactions are being raised while on Wednesday, January 11, a suicide attack took place in front of the entrance of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, when the employees of the ministry were leaving. According to the sources, at least 20 people were martyred and more than 30 others were injured in this explosion, but the authorities in Kabul have reported the death of 5 people.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Emirate announced in a message in response to this suicide attack, which was claimed by the ISIS terrorist group: "Afghanistan's enemies should know that they will not achieve their sinister goals with such cowardly actions and the perpetrators of such events are criminals.”
The ministry has also announced the presence of Amir Khan Muttaqi, the head of the ministry, in the hospital and visiting the injured in the explosion and giving them cash aid.
Hamid Karzai, the former president, has said that this terrorist act is an anti-human crime and against all human and Islamic values, and we strongly condemn it.
At the same time, Abdullah Abdullah, the head of the Supreme National Reconciliation Council of the previous government, has also said in response to the attack on the Ministry of Foreign Affairs that such inhumane crimes are against any human and religious principles and criteria and cannot be justified in any form.
Mohammad Naeem Wardak, the spokesman of the Islamic Emirate in Qatar, also responded to this attack and said that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs warns the enemies of the Islamic Emirate that they cannot achieve their sinister goals against the Islamic system with these unscrupulous and illegitimate actions.
He added that war and carrying out any subversive actions against the ruling system in the country are against Islamic teachings and the perpetrators are criminals.
The Islamic Republic of Iran was the first country to react to this attack.
Nasser Kanani, the spokesman of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Iran, strongly condemned this terrorist act in front of the building of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Afghanistan and while expressing his condolences and sympathy to the families of the deceased, he prayed to God for the speedy recovery of those injured in this terrorist incident.
The Iranian embassy in Kabul has also condemned this attack.
The Organization of Islamic Cooperation has also said in a statement that for the stability and security of Afghanistan, we must fight against any group that is violent and sheds blood.
UNAMA, the United Nations mission in Afghanistan, continues to condemn Wednesday's explosion in front of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and says that this explosion killed civilians.
UNAMA added that the increase in insecurity is worrisome, hence violence is not part of any solution to bring lasting peace in Afghanistan.
Russia, Pakistan, Qatar, the Chargé d'Affaires of the British Embassy in Afghanistan, the European Union, the United States, etc. have also condemned this explosion.
At the same time, the Amaq news agency, related to ISIS, announced that this group took responsibility for the suicide bombing in front of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Wednesday.
By publishing the attacker's cover-up photo, this group called him "Khyber Al-Kandahari".
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