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Hussaini Mazari at the first international conference of Minara;

The most strategic task of the media is to raise public culture and people's awareness/Islamic media should work on the "explanatory jihad" issue

31 Jan 2023 - 9:41

Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) - Tehran: The first conference of the "Minara" series of conferences focusing on the media and the unity of the Islamic Ummah, with the efforts of the Center of Media Activists of the Islamic World and with the support of the World Forum for the Approximation of Islamic Religions, yesterday, Monday, January 30, in Tehran with Speeches of 400 prominent religious and media activists from 20 countries were held in person and virtually, including Hujjat-ul-Islam wal-Muslimin Sayed Isa Hussaini Mazari, the head of Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) from Afghanistan.
The head of the Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) and Tebyan Social and Cultural Activities Center, who spoke at this international conference about the role of the media in explaining, converging and Islamic unity, said: Although the Islamic media has been trying to Islamic convergence and unity should be established in Islamic societies, but considering the necessity of unity in the current and future conditions of Islamic societies, it is necessary to work more than ever in the discussion of creating Islamic convergence and unity.
He further said: In order for Islamic media to play a more useful and effective role in the field of Islamic convergence and unity in Islamic societies, it is necessary and necessary for these media to observe a few points in different fields.
Attention in the field of the media itself/ raising the quality of human resources and attractiveness in the programs
The head of the Afghan Voice Agency (AVA expressed the attention of the media as the first point and stated: The Islamic media should be equipped in a modern way in terms of working tools and even if possible, the media practitioners and supporters of the media Islam should pay serious attention in this area.
He added: It seems necessary to raise the quality of human resources in Islamic media, both quantitatively and qualitatively, for managing and programming and presenting good programs to the audience.
This well-known media figure called the attractiveness of media programs as one of the other necessities of Islamic media and noted: Islamic media programs should be attractive in such a way that it draws the audience to the media and hammers them.
Islamic media should raise public culture and the level of people's awareness
This is where Hussaini Mazari emphasized: If the Islamic media want to influence the audience in relation to the discussion of convergence and the creation of Islamic unity and direct the people and nationals of Islamic countries in this direction, the most important program and the most strategic work that should be done to raise public culture and raise people's awareness in various areas and topics.
He further added: If the people's awareness increases and the culture of people's life improves, the people themselves will definitely find the need for unity, acknowledgment, certainty and belief, and that is when the media can easily discuss the creation of convergence and Promote and propagate Islamic unity among the people, return this lost Islamic society to the people, move it in various bills of social life and make the people aware of the importance of this issue.
The need to pay attention to the Jihad of explanation on the part of the Islamic media
The head of the Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) stated that raising public awareness and the culture of Islamic societies is a long-term program that should be pursued by the media, but he emphasized that the discussion of jihad is a daily movement. It means that we must enter and work in this area every moment, every hour, every day, week, month and year. As Imam Khamenei (may God bless him and grant him peace) gave very deep and profound statements regarding the necessity of Jihad and explained his commands and created this task for us. Therefore, all Islamic media should work in this field.
This prominent religious scholar stressed: Islamic media should first express the necessity of Islamic unity in the discussion of Jihad and make people understand that if there is unity among Islamic societies, these societies will become powerful and if they gain power, they can Other areas can easily continue their authoritative life, but if there is no unity, the society and Muslims will definitely face serious problems.
He stated: In the field of the harms of conflict, there should be a struggle to explain what harms and losses the existence of conflict will bring to Islamic societies, and Islamic media can play an influential role in this field.
Explanation Jihad in the field of revealing the face of the enemy and the conspiracies of the enemies
Hussaini Mazari says: Exposing the face of the enemy and identifying the internal, regional and global enemies of Muslims, as well as the conspiracies of the enemies, are other functions of the Islamic media that should be given serious attention. Enemies of Muslims organize various plans and conspiracies using opportunities, conditions, contexts and facilities to create differences among Muslims, and the media must expose these conspiracies and the way they create and influence them for the Islamic society.
He mentioned identifying the enemy's infiltrators as one of the other duties of the Islamic media in the field of Jihad and emphasized: Islamic media should identify the enemy's infiltrators, both in terms of the physical personality of the infiltrator who implements the enemy's plans and in terms of the way of thinking. The influence that like-minded people, circles and affiliates of the enemy organize, promote and propagate within Islamic societies, expose and introduce to the people.
According to him: if the Islamic media fulfill their duties in order to create convergence or explain Islamic convergence and unity, they will definitely achieve success in this field.
It should be noted that the Minara international conference aims to create networks, discourse, flow and synergy in the field of media with the approach of the unity of the Islamic nation, relying on international and global capacities, with the presence of experts and prominent media people at the international level and to It was held especially for the Islamic world. "Unity of the Islamic Ummah", "media truth and media literacy" and "capacity of international media" were among the main topics discussed in this conference.

Story Code: 264642

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