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Moscow has proposed a new regional framework for Afghanistan

14 Feb 2023 - 13:58

Zamir Kablov, the special representative of the Russian president for Afghanistan, says that Moscow has proposed a new framework for the development of a regional approach to Afghanistan, in which the countries of India, Pakistan, Iran, China and Russia will participate.

Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) - Kabul: Zamir Kabulov, the special representative of the Russian President for Afghanistan, in an interview with "The Week" magazine, adds that this framework will be like the "G5" meeting.
According to Zamir Kabulov, this framework is important for the development of regional approaches.
Zamir Kabulov, the special representative of the Russian President for Afghanistan, said: "To develop a regional approach, we want to build a basic framework like "G5" with India, Pakistan, Iran, China and Russia. We believe that this can be a machine not only to create a regional consensus, but it can do something to implement this consensus and make it clear to the current rulers of Afghanistan that they should listen to us."
Zamir Kabulov adds that Moscow is trying to create this framework and China has also supported this proposal.
In addition, Mr. Kabulov adds that Russia does not want to interfere in the internal affairs of other countries; but he cannot hide his disappointment from the way the Islamic Emirate is managed.
On the other hand, the Deputy Spokesman of the caretaker government says that every step that leads to the expansion of trade, economy and strengthening Afghanistan's relations with the world is commendable.
Bilal Karimi, Deputy Spokesperson of the Islamic Emirate told TOLO News: "Any move that can be useful in establishing economic, commercial and relations with the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan and the people of Afghanistan is a positive step."
Although Afghanistan is a member of a number of international organizations; However, the representatives of the Islamic Emirate are not invited to many of the meetings of these organizations, however, they have welcomed the positive moves of the countries in the region that are in the interests of Afghanistan.

Story Code: 265478

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