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Israeli Special Forces joined the protests against Netanyahu

25 Feb 2023 - 16:53

The senior officers and special operations brigade of the Zionist army announced that they joined the protests against Benjamin Netanyahu's cabinet and refused to continue serving.

Afghan Voice Agency (AVA): Hebrew sources have reported that the unprecedented protests in the occupied territories against the "Judicial Reforms" plan announced by "Benyamin Netanyahu" cabinet, this time with the threat of army officers of the occupying regime continue.
According to the report of "Al-Arabi Al-Jadid" news site, two days after a senior Air Force officer demanded his dismissal in protest against "judicial reforms", 100 other officers from the special operations brigade of the Zionist regime announced that if the move continues they will leave their military service towards reforms.
In the petition they signed, the officers wrote that they would not continue their military service following the "government coup against the [judiciary] system." They added: "As long as the black flag is raised over the actions and behavior of the government, we will not continue to serve voluntarily."
The Zionist TV Channel 13 also announced that among the signatories of this petition are a major general, a brigadier general and a large number of senior officers with the military rank of lieutenant general and lieutenant general.
The special operations brigade is considered one of the most important brigades of the army of the occupying regime; Because he is aware of the military information of "Aman" and includes the "Commando Block of the General Staff". This block consists of the most important elite officers in the special units of the Zionist army and its officers are entrusted with the mission of working behind enemy lines.
Earlier in this context and in an unprecedented development, the Hebrew media announced that Mossad chief David Barnia has allowed officers working in his subordinate agencies to participate in massive protests against judicial reforms. Channel 12 of the regime TV reported last night that a large number of leaders and senior officers of the Mossad demanded to exercise their right to participate in mass protests.
The Tel Aviv cabinet, headed by Netanyahu, presented a plan to "reform the judicial system" of this regime on the fourth of last month. Netanyahu, who has been on trial for years on charges of corruption, bribery and betrayal of trust, plans to escape from the trial with what he calls "judicial military reform".

Story Code: 266023

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