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Hussaini Mazari:

Awakening and awareness have once again attacked by the enemies/ The government should identify the perpetrators of the explosion of AVA news agency and Tebyan center in Balkh/ Afghanistan is our homeland, we continue our struggle

11 Mar 2023 - 16:06

Hussaini Mazari, following today's explosion in the representative offices of Tebyan Center and AVA news agency in Balkh, issued a statement stating that the enemies of Afghanistan know that the awareness and awareness of the society is detrimental to the realization of their sinister goals in order to shut down the country and enslave the people. "Afghanistan is our homeland, and we have sacrificed our lives for its territorial integrity. We will continue our breathtaking struggles for the authority of the country and the elevation of its Muslim people in various fields, especially religion, culture, economy, and security."

Afghan Voice Agency (AVA)-Kabul: In a part of the statement of Hojjat-ul-Islam wal-Muslimin Hussaini Mazari, it is stated that the enemies of the authority of Afghanistan and the peace of its people know that the awareness and awakening of the society is detrimental to the realization of their sinister goals in order to bind the country and its people. Therefore, they will definitely not sit down in front of big organizations like Tebyan Center and an influential media like AVA News Agency.
The statement adds: "Today's cowardly attack has been carried out in continuation of this policy, in order to deprive us from the stage of blessing and benefiting from the many and varied benefits of these two organizations and other institutions and organizations that defend religion, people and the country. "Afghanistan is our homeland and we have sacrificed our lives for its territorial integrity. We will continue our breathtaking struggles for the authority of the country and the elevation of its Muslim people in various fields, especially religion, culture and economy as well as security."
Hussaini Mazari has also asked the security apparatus of the Islamic Emirate to seriously find the clue of the incident, to identify the known and hidden perpetrators of this terrorist crime, to bring them to justice, and also to ensure the security of the offices of the Tebyan Center and the Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) and other cultural and media intellectual centers and circles should consider the necessary diligence.
The full text of the statement issued by Hojjat-ul-Islam wal-Muslimin Sayed Isa Hussaini Mazari following the terrorist explosion against the representative offices of Tebyan Center and AVA News Agency in Balkh is as follows:
In the name of Allah
Expressing regret, once again awakening and awareness were attacked and the Tebyan Center for Social Cultural Activities and Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) which was one of the major centers and organizations for awakening and raising awareness in the Afghan society and for more than 31 years, despite the ups and downs numerous and intractable problems, he has been seriously present with the people and still has been working and striving for the important task of raising culture and promoting public religious education, in Balkh province it was attacked by terrorists of the American affiliates and its allies, and nearly 40 people were martyred and He left wounded.
Today's event was held in the meeting hall of the representative offices of these two organizations in the city of Mazar-e-Sharif with the presence of a large number of scholars, academicians and journalists.
This is not the first time that the elements of darkness attack the children of light and enlightenment; in 1396 AH, the central offices of Tebyan Center and AVA news agency in Kabul were attacked by suicide bombers, leaving 52 martyrs and more than 140 injured, and among them 31 clerics and students were martyred and 27 others were injured. The rest of the martyrs were university professors, students, and education students, 9 of them were journalists of Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) and one was a reporter of Jomhuriat News Agency.
Even today, the enemies of Afghanistan's and the peace of its people know that the awareness and awakening of the society is detrimental to the realization of their sinister goals in the direction of ensnaring the country and its people. Therefore, they are definitely against large organizations such as Tebyan Center and influential media such as AVA News Agency. They will not sit quietly and today's cowardly attack has been carried out as a continuation of this policy, to deprive us from the scene of Afghanistan from the blessing of benefiting from the many and varied benefits of these two organizations and other institutions and organizations that defend religion, people and the country.
Afghanistan is our homeland and we have sacrificed our lives for its territorial integrity, we will continue our breathtaking struggles for the authority of the country and the elevation of its Muslim people in various fields, especially religion, culture and economy.
I want the security apparatus of the Islamic Emirate to seriously find the clue of the matter, to identify the known and hidden agents of this terrorist crime, to hand them over to the claws of justice, and also to ensure the security of the offices of the Tebyan Center and the Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) and other Cultural centers and media intellectuals.
Recently; I strongly condemn the criminal act of terrorism against the representative offices of Tebyan Center and AVA News Agency in Mazar-e-Sharif, I ask the Almighty Allah (SWT) to give the martyrs the highest degrees and heaven, and for the injured, speedy recovery and full recovery.
Sayed Isa Hussaini Mazari
The head of Tebyan Center and Ava news agency
March 11, 2023
It is worth mentioning that this morning (Saturday, March 11), the representative office of Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) and the center of cultural and social activities of Tebyan in Mazar-e-Sharif was targeted by the explosion. In this incident, two people were martyred and more than 30 others, including a large number of journalists, were injured.

Story Code: 266763

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