Publish dateSaturday 18 March 2023 - 10:07
Story Code : 267072
21st anniversary of the Afghan Voice Agency (AVA); The price was given and the important results obtained and the obligations of the Islamic Emirate!
Sayed Isa Hussaini Mazari/ Today is March 17th, coincides with the founding anniversary of the Afghan Voice Agency (AVA), and now it has passed 21 years of ups and downs and is entering the second year of its third decade of activity.
At a time when there was less attention to the establishment and activation of the media from the news agency industry, or the importance of this work was not felt at all, and perhaps some real and legal personalities mocked our media work and thought. However, the people involved in the center of cultural and social activities of Tebyan started to establish and launch the first private news agency in Afghanistan, called Afghan Voice Agency (AVA).
Of course, the work history of these dear ones does not go back to 1380, but they started their press work from 1361 in Alborz base of Chamtal district of Balkh province, and then they started working as a news agency from 1371 and with the establishment of Faryad Ashura, Faryad Ashura News Agency and then Tebyan News Agency came into existence and continued to exist until the end of 1380. But in continuation of the work and on the 26th of Hoot 1381, the Voice of Afghan News Agency (Ava) was established in Kabul and now it continues to work as a powerful national and international organization in four languages: Dari, Pashto, English and Arabic.
The policy of the Afghan Voice News Agency (Ava) is to enlighten and guide public opinion, the same as the work of divine prophets and infallible Imams, peace be upon them, and sincere religious elders, but reflecting the wishes of the people to the Afghan government and conveying the message of the government to the people and establishing close relations between the parties and in The sum of reflecting the wishes, problems, internal problems and challenges and their solutions to the world and delivering global news to the people and government of Afghanistan in order to increase the general information of the people inside, the region and the world in order to create a communication bridge to solve the problems of Afghanistan and especially Islamic Ummah is one of the main special works of the Afghan Voice Agency (AVA).
In the course of its activities, the Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) was faced with various challenges, problems and obstacles, including the wide and poisonous propaganda of the enemies regarding the dependence of this media and its financial resources from a specific foreign country, but for the fair elements and population. It is clear that the important and clear reason for the independence of the Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) in its 21-year journey is its non-dependence on any faction and domestic institution or international institution and foreign country, otherwise, as other media outlets must deal with distortions and The ups and downs and even collapse were faced, while arrogance and the West created hundreds of media with millions of dollars of investment to attack the religion and unity of the people, which is not a secret to anyone. For this reason, those who accuse Tebyan Center and the Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) of being dependent on financial resources or intellectual issues, first of all, they should talk about the hundreds of thousands and millions and even tens of millions of dollars received from America and Europe as well as Try to respond to the satanic policies of foreign countries against the people and the country.
 Unfortunately, the Western Chinese conspiracy in the media dimension, around the axis of the fugitive elites, continues for the future of Afghanistan.
Despite all the stone-throwing and stone-breaking by its enemies and its internal mercenaries, which is still going on under the existing conditions; The Afghan Voice (Ava) news agency has not stagnated even for a moment, but has grown bigger and more influential with each passing day of its life, and has always been thinking about establishing peace and stability and ensuring overall security in Afghanistan, and it seems that it is the only news agency that He has been critical and rather opposed to the presence of Westerners in Afghanistan and its occupation by America and its allies in NATO, and has worked towards their expulsion and the establishment of an Islamic government, until now this news agency, in addition to enduring all-encompassing and all-round poisoned propaganda pressures, 9 The martyr in the suicide incident in 1396 AH, against the offices of Tebyan Center and Ava News Agency in Kabul presented Islam and the freedom of Afghanistan, and 2 martyrs in the explosion incident on 20th of Hut 1401 in their office in Balkh province, Mazar-e-Sharif city, presented Islamic rule. The peace and well-being of the people and the progress and rise of Afghanistan in various fields and opposition and even enmity with the enemies of the country and its people, which resulted in a total of 11 martyrs. And if we count the assassinated martyrs in Mazar-e Sharif in 1373 AH; The fact that Martyr Misbah, the great standard-bearer of media activities in Afghanistan and the teacher and guide of the staff of the Afghan Voice Agency and their encourager and guide in order to deal deeply and comprehensively in the matter of media activities, the number of dedicated martyrs Associated with the Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) reaches 17 people.
Another noteworthy point is the view of the large and influential Tebyan Center and Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) on the current governance of the Islamic Emirate in Afghanistan, and this governance is a golden opportunity for the country to move towards political, military, cultural and economic independence and transition. He knows an efficient and inclusive governance based on an inclusive Afghan plan. In this regard, we followed the approach of interaction and support for the correct and proper functions and achievements of the Islamic Emirate, on the one hand, under the pressures and attacks of hostile and non-aligned currents, and from some suspicions and misunderstandings. We were placed inside the government by some circles, but we did not take a step back from our intellectual and political belief, because we believe in its correctness. At the same time as the 21st anniversary of the establishment of the Afghan Voice Agency (AVA), we once again emphasize our pledge to support the current path in the interests and interests of the people, but we also expect the government to fulfill its responsibilities in line with this pledge.
This year, on this occasion, at least in the city of Kabul, with the presence of dozens of audio, video and print media and hundreds of real and legal media personalities, we were supposed to hold a magnificent anniversary conference of this news agency; Let's remember the martyrs of the media, honor their dignified position and pay tribute to many involved, officials, active and hard-working but extremely sincere journalists, but unfortunately, due to being involved with the issues of the Balkh province office due to the explosion Terrorists and martyrs and the wounding of about 40 people, we were prevented from doing this God-pleasing work.
Therefore, at least what is necessary should be done in this opportunity;
At the same time, on the 21st anniversary of the establishment of the Afghan Voice Agency (AVA), I first congratulate the officials, editors, reporters and employees of the domestic and foreign offices of the Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) and then the entire community of Afghanistan.
From all the officials, journalists and employees of the Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) inside and outside, especially the gentlemen;
Sayed Wahidullah Habibi, Sayed Hasan Hussaini, Sayed Mustafa Habibi, Sayed Abbas Hussaini, Sayed Abdullah Nayab, Amir Namira Hussaini, Sayed Ali Rahel Mousavi, Sayed Hashim Alavi, Sayed Bismillah Amanzad, Sayed Bashir Mousavi, Hamid Azimi, Sayed Shabir Mahmoodi, Sayed Aziz Abbasi, Mirrumal Amiri, Sayed Yusuf Hussaini Tabatabai, Sayed Mehdi Behzad, Mohammad Javad Velayati, Sayed Sajjad Mousavi, Sayed Sajjad Hussaini Mazari, Sayed Ali Hussaini Mazari, Ahmad Reza Safari, Sayed Hassan Saimi, Jafar Hossein Karimi, Abdul Ghafoor Seighani, Mohammad Mohadi, Morteza Khaleghi, Mohammad Wahid Hussaini, Mohammad Ali Akhlaqi, Sayed Ali Hussaini, Sayed Ghulam Reza Sadat and ladies Fatime Mousavi Nayab, Rahima Yazdani, Fahima Sadat Masoumi, Fariba Hashimi Rasti, Atefa Hashimi Rasti and Parveen Hussaini. I believe that in the most difficult conditions, as officials and leaders and performers of news programs and virtual space, they fulfilled their media duties in many positions, resistant, patient and with perseverance, in dangerous scenes.
And I send greetings and salutations to the righteous souls of the martyrs of Islam, the martyrs of Afghanistan, especially the assassinated martyrs, especially the assassinated martyrs of the Afghan Voice Agency (AVA), either in the terrorist incident in 1373 AH, in Mazar-e-Sharif by the order of hypocrite elements, or in the suicide operation in 1396 AH, in Kabul, at the behest of the United States and the cooperation of the national security of the republic, but under the cover of the hated ISIS group, and terrorist explosion on March 11, 2023, at the behest of certain American circles, but still under the title of the declining group of ISIS.
Hoping for the day when we can be more effective than now with transparent and impartial information in raising the general culture of the society and as a result the authority of the desired government, the peace and comfort of the people and making Afghanistan proud in the country, the region and the world.
Sayed Isa Hussaini Mazari
Founder and CEO of Afghan Voice Agency (AVA)
March 17, 2023
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