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Hussaini Mazari's meeting with a group of officials and cadres of Tebyan Center in Qom

13 May 2023 - 9:56

Hojjat-ul-Islam wa al-Muslimin Sayed Isa Hussaini Mazari, General Director of Tebyan Social and Cultural Activities Center and AVA News Agency during a meeting with a group of officials and cadres of these organizations in Qom, stating that every individual and movement that works towards the achievement of the Velayat line He is one of the most chosen people and said that working for Allah and with complete sincerity leads to worldly and hereafter happiness.

Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) - Qom: Hojjat al-Islam wal Muslimin Sayed Isa Hussaini Mazari, the general director of Tebyan Social and Cultural Activities Center and Afghan Voice Agency (AVA), in a meeting with a group of officials and staff of this center in the holy city of Qom, said that the office of the center Among the offices of this center inside and outside the country, Tebyan in Qom is one of the important and active offices of the organization that has done important work in the field of organizational and management activities according to the policy of this movement.
He added: It is a divine success for all officials, staff and members of the Tebyan Center who work sincerely in the organization.
Hojjat al-Islam wal-Muslimin Hussaini Mazari added that it is a place of congratulations for the work and activity in line with the policies of the Tebyan center because the members of this center have been working on the path of the province without interruption or deviation for more than three decades.
He pointed out: About three years ago, in the meeting we had with Hazrat Ayatollah Misbah (RA), he said in an important talk that lasted for nearly an hour and all of its content and content was centered around the province, that all the changes and developments in the world Existence is organized and managed by the Almighty Allah because this line (province) will reach its conclusion and the continuation of this line will be the appearance of the Imam of the Time (AS).
Mr. Hussaini Mazari, quoting Ayatollah Mesbah Yazdi, added that every person and movement that works towards the achievement of this line is one of the most chosen people.
He said that this speech of Ayatollah Misbah (may Allah be pleased with him) was very important and shocking, he said that those who are working with the problems and social issues and the existing challenges to make this line work, like your center (Tebyan center).
This expert on political issues stated: The office of the Tebyan Center accepted the cost in three stages. It happened in1373 AH, when the martyr Misbah was martyred by the agents of hypocrisy and by the order of Mohammad Mohaqeq, along with 8 of his companions. In the second stage, in 1396 AH, we lost 52 martyrs and 140 wounded in the attack on the central offices of Tebyan Center and AVA news agency in Kabul. Last year, our offices in Mazar-e-Sharif were attacked and 40 people were martyred and wounded.
Hussaini Mazari said that these challenges and damages could not stop the Tebyan Center, because this center is active for the continuation of the line of the province which was based on the line of the Prophet and the Imams of the Infallibles (peace be upon them), and we are proud to be on the scene and to Allah Almighty and imams (peace be upon them) we say that we will be seriously present on the stage as obedient servants and soldiers.
The head of Ava news agency added that the members of this office, whether in Qom or other offices, who sincerely work and strive, will improve their world and the hereafter, because sincere work without favoritism is definitely rewarded by Allah.
He added: A state official does not follow conservatism, the words of the people, and does not depend on the words and real and legal personality. A noble person is not that if I say this, some person or situation will be upset, or that he does not speak and remains silent when he should speak, or that he speaks when he should remain silent. Sincere people move for Allah.
Hussaini Mazari further clarified that in the past twenty years, there were many movements and individuals that arose, but when these individuals and movements should have taken a stand, they were conservative and silent; This means that Allah and Imams (AS) were not their goal and we see the result of their work today.
He added: Tebyan center has been steadfast in its direction and goal since the beginning and our work and efforts have been and will continue to be fruitful.
This political expert pointed out: A number of conservative, envious and ignorant people who have been and are seeking destruction have always taken a position against us, and they attack our movement. But on the other hand, we will have a stronger presence in virtual and real space than before.
He added: Despite the fact that we have material and economic problems and jealous people try to take advantage of gaps, challenges and shortcomings, but the great Tebyan organization is expanding day by day with all the challenges and jealousy of jealous people and is welcomed by large social groups.
Hussaini Mazari stated that inside the country, many groups of elites from Logar, Badakhshan, Helmand, Nimroz, Uruzgan, Ghazni, etc. are ready and willing to join the organization of Tebyan, he said: in foreign offices as well, especially the office of Tebayan center in Qom has the capacity and room for development and streamlining in its broad form, and the officials of Tebyan Center and news agency should pay more attention in this field.
The head of Tebyan Center further said that the Qom office is one of our shining offices among the offices of Tebyan Center with the efforts of the officials of this office. But a few points and reminders are necessary for the progress of the work of all offices, including Qom, that officials, members and cadres shouldKeep this office in mind:
1- The Qom office, like other offices, should have public activities, which include communicating with immigrants, solving their social problems, recruiting staff, etc., all of which are mentioned in the regulations, but in addition to these activities, as well as important cultural and educational affairs and work.
He added: The purpose of establishing offices abroad, including the Qom office, is actually a platform for dealing with internal issues and recruiting and organizing our internal activities.
2- Another important task that the Qom office should do is to communicate with the seminary elites and attract active and gray people, as well as organize the activists of the seminary and the Refugees University, which should be actively pursued because this opportunity and field is better for Qom office than other offices.
3- Hussaini Mazari called the third important activity of the Qom office to pay attention to the discussion and issues of women and said that without the presence of women, it is not possible to create change and the Qom office should work seriously in this field considering its facilities and context.
He added: Westerners worked in the field of women in the last twenty years and targeted women for their domination, and they started from the foundation of the family. If the republican system continued for another ten years, we would not have Muslim women.
The head of AVA News Agency stated that we should try to involve women in social issues and it is the duty of the organizations and offices of the Tebyan center, including Qom, to have meetings, discourses, webinars and informative programs with seminary and university-educated women. Active and religiously educated women who are in the city of Qom should be attracted. Both the Tebyan Center and the news agency have a duty to build relationships, reflect the opinions of active women, the goals and ideals, and the school and religious responsibilities of women.
4- Hussaini Mazari called the fourth recommendation and reminder to the Qom office organizational activity in virtual space and added: virtual space is very effective in the current conditions and is a hundred times more important than real work. The reflection of facts and currents in the virtual space is very effective, therefore we expect the Qom office to be organized and organized like other offices.
He added: From our point of view, an organizational activist is someone who is present in the virtual scene and acts as an organization.
5- Hussaini Mazari named the fifth important task of the Qom office as organizational training and staffing and added that organizational work and personnel training should be at the top of this office's agenda.
6- The general head of Tebyan Center called daily reporting another important task of the members and officials of the offices and said: This work is mandatory for the members, because as a person in charge, I must be aware of the activities of the members and staff and the output of the work of the officials and members. At the same time, the active member is recognized from the inactive one, and the shortcomings are pointed out and corrected.
He added that although the evaluation of the daily work report of the members is time-consuming, but for now, I personally do this work, and in the future, with the institutionalization of this work, the executive vice president will take responsibility for the evaluation and present the general report.
The head of Tebyan Center stated that he has the experience of Allah's help and support, and material issues and problems definitely cannot stop the organization's activities. He mentioned the memory of the early establishment of the Tebyan Center and said: When we established the Tebyan Center together with Martyr Mesbah, we had a 12-meter room, but today we have 8 active offices and agencies with large organizations inside and outside, which with the help of Allah, we will overcome its problems. Fayq has come and we will come.
At the beginning of this meeting, Hojjat-ul-Islam wal-Muslimin Sayed Noor Ahmed Mubarez, Deputy Director General for Theological Seminaries and Head of the Tebyan Cultural and Social Activities Center office in Qom, while welcoming the presence of the Director General and accompanying delegation, mentioned a number of activities and plans of the Qom office. And he said: In addition to the active commissions of the office, an economic council has been established with 6 members.
He added that the office of Tebyan Center in Qom intends to establish a cultural council and a council of sisters in order to provide better and more fields for work and activities.
Recently, Hojjat-ul-Islam wal-Muslimin Sayed Nasreddin Mohseni, advisor to the general president in the affairs of Tebyan Center scholars, said that two important issues, i.e. foreign and domestic politics, constitute the work and activity of the currents. In the internal politics of a trend that wants to be successful, it must follow the principle of brotherhood and brotherhood. In foreign policy, according to the Holy Qur'an, believers do not accept the rule of infidels. Asking for help from the West and Western countries is also a mistake that some people make.
At the end of his speech, he added that material and economic problems can be solved by relying on Allah and the right policy, and it is necessary that we prove our sincerity in line with the divine goals of the organization.

Story Code: 269923

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