Following the western sanctions against Moscow, the countries of Turkey, UAE and China are the new destinations of this country's gold exports.
Russian gold is exported to Turkey, UAE and China
27 May 2023 - 14:05
Following the western sanctions against Moscow, the countries of Turkey, UAE and China are the new destinations of this country's gold exports.
Afghan Voice Agency (AVA): The Russian Customs report shows that the UAE, China and Turkey accounted for 99.8% of Russia's gold exports, and they were able to fill the void of European and Western customers of Moscow's gold.
According to Iran Press, this report includes nearly 1,000 shipments of gold in one year since the start of the war in Ukraine, which indicates that the UAE has imported 75.5 tons of Russian gold worth 4.3 billion dollars, while this amount was about 1.3 tons in 2021.
China and Turkey are the next largest destinations of Russian gold after the UAE, each importing about 20 tons between February 24, 2022 and March 3, 2023.
it is necessary to mention; In the days after the start of the Ukraine conflict, many multinational banks, logistics providers, precious metals refiners stopped handling Russian gold that was normally shipped to London, the gold trading and storage hub.
The London Bullion Market Association banned the import of Russian-made bullion from March 7, 2022, and by the end of August, the United Kingdom, the European Union, Switzerland, the United States, Canada, and Japan have all banned bullion imports from Russia.
The war in Ukraine, with all its extensive political, military, economic, social and even cultural consequences, is in its 16th month, and Western countries are still sending weapons to Ukraine.
Story Code: 270744