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The first Muslims who joined the movement of Imam Khomeini (RA) from outside the borders of the Islamic Republic of Iran were dear Afghans/ The people of Afghanistan have correctly understood the Imam's school

6 Jun 2023 - 13:59

Speakers at the conference "Solving the problems and dilemmas of the Islamic world by using the thought of Imam Khomeini" which was organized by the center of cultural and social activities of Tebyan Center in Mashhad, stated that the first Muslims who came from outside the borders of the Islamic Republic of Iran to the Imam's movement Khomeini (may Allah be pleased with him) joined them, they were dear Afghans. Afghans once rubbed the nose of the Soviet Union with the inspiration of Imam and pure Islam, and once again after 20 years of American efforts to dominate the Afghans, they rubbed them to the ground.

Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) - Holy Mashhad: Hojjat-ul-Islam Nasrallah Pejmanfar, the representative of the people of Mashhad in the Islamic Council in this ceremony, referring to two currents of disbelief and hypocrisy to destroy the right, added: Resolve Imam (RA) in one From his statements, hypocrisy has been introduced as far more dangerous than disbelief.
He stated that if there were any dangers in the Islamic world, it was due to the current of hypocrisy, and continued: The current of hypocrisy distorts the facts because it does not deny the facts, but presents other readings of religious propositions to the people, which is not the real reading. This distortion ultimately affects the divine movement and renders it ineffective.
The representative of the people of Mashhad in the Islamic Council said: Imam (RA) believed that in order for us to keep the flag of Islam aloft in the society of humanity, today our view should be based on the common principles of Imam Khomeini (RA) and the apparent boundaries that judge between people We want to leave these aside because the Imam did not believe in the geographical borders that were created for the countries.
Pejmanfar added: Imam's fight against distortion was a full-fledged fight. During this fight, Imam tried to fight, stand and resist people who present incorrect readings of religious propositions, which made standing and resistance meaningful. .
He continued: Today in the world they say that there is no way to stop Islam, Islam is a trend that will take over the whole world in the very near future.
This responsible official stated: Today, our powers together can make great moves and our possessions can have many effects and blessings, so today, if we want to reach a common point, we can reach it in an atmosphere of brotherhood and sisterhood.
Hojjat al-Islam Gonabadinejad, deputy of culture, social and pilgrimage of Khorasan Razavi Governorate, pointing out that today there is no voice in the whole world that is raised against arrogance and is not inspired by the thought of Imam (RA), stated: "Today we are talking about an imam whose achievement in the Islamic revolution was that Iran was once the gendarme of America in the region, and has turned it into the biggest problem for the interests of the arrogant in the region, and today the arrogant can no longer easily appear in the countries of the region.
He added: Holding the anniversary ceremony for Imam is an opportunity to learn a lesson from his school. The main lesson of the Imam's school and the most important feature of the Imam's school was the belief in pure Islam and the rejection of American Islam. Imam revived Islam. Because he himself believed in Islam. Imam was a leader who started with Islam and gave his whole being for Islam and Muslims followed Imam with all their being. Because the imam had a precise demarcation between pure Islam and American Islam.
The deputy governor of Khorasan Razavi further said: The imam considered religion as a life and an ideal of managing society and considered Islam effective in personal and social affairs. Imam really believed in God's promise.
He pointed out: The second characteristic of the Imam was that he truly believed in God's promise and, despite everything, he did not trust the arrogant. He raised the flag of struggle in a period when the fighters and Mujahedeen were either affiliated to the Western Bloc or the Eastern Bloc.
Hojjat-ul-Islam Gonabadinejad further said: Imam started a full-scale fight against the distorted current of religion, which needed to be revived. At a time when the flow of resistance was distorted in the flow of Islamic discourse and the dialogue with the flow of power was considered as a false reading that held Muslims back, by the way, this issue was also raised from religious centers. But Imam raised the discourse of resistance.
He added: Imam trusted God in every sense. Imam's intention and thought and Imam's method was in ignoring the arrogant people of the world. He had not opened any corner of his eyes about the support of the arrogant for himself and his nation.
The deputy governor of Khorasan Razavi said in the final part of his speech: The first Muslims who joined the Iranian movement from outside the borders of Islamic Iran were Afghans. Afghans once rubbed the nose of the Soviet Union with the inspiration of Imam and pure Islam, and once again after 20 years of American efforts to dominate the Afghan people, they rubbed them to the ground. These are the dear ones who have understood the Imam's school correctly and reflect and spread the echo of the excellence of the Imam's thought in the far corners of the world.
He added: The Imam believed in the unity and integrity of the Islamic Ummah in every sense. His thought was the same as the thought of Imam, peace be upon him, who considered preserving the body of the Islamic Ummah as a priority. Imam, the difference between Shia and Sunni is a blow to Islam and Muslim They knew. The Imam's view was a sublime and basic view in the field of unity and cohesion, and if today, on the anniversary of the Imam's death, we observe the Imam's solutions for the Islamic world and the Islamic Ummah, we have no other way than to return to the Imam's school, the Imam's ideals, the Imam's way, and the Imam's thought.
It is worth mentioning that the conference "Solving the problems and dilemmas of the Islamic world by using the thought of Imam Khomeini" which was organized by the center of cultural and social activities of Tebyan Afghanistan in cooperation with the management of non-Iranian pilgrims of Astan Quds Razavi, the organization and publication of the works of Imam Khomeini (RA) and Ambassador Internet TV and with the presence of the representative of the people of Mashhad in the Islamic Council, the deputy governor of Khorasan Razavi, the adviser of Astan Quds Razavi, a large gathering of scholars, academicians, culturalists, representatives of Afghan institutions and immigrants living in Khorasan Razavi, was held in the holy shrine of Razavi.

Story Code: 271298

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