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Russian fighter jets attack terrorist positions in Syria

25 Jun 2023 - 13:44

Today, the Russian Air Force bombed the positions of terrorists in Idlib and Latakia, Syria.

Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) - International Service: Media sources reported today (Sunday, June 25, 2023) Russian airstrikes against terrorist positions in the city of Jericho in the south of Idlib and also in the city of Latakia.
According to the Al-Mayadeen network, today, Russian fighters bombed the positions of the terrorist group "Tahrir al-Sham" and the terrorist group known as "al-Hizbul al-Islami al-Turkestani", most of whose members are Chinese and especially Uyghur elements, in the northern suburbs of Latakia and around Idlib.
According to this report, the Russian Air Force also, during two airstrikes, targeted the headquarters of armed terrorists around the city of "Jasr al-Shughur" in the northwestern suburbs of Idlib.
The headquarters of Tahrir al-Sham and its allies in the operation room known as "Al-Fath al-Mobin" in the city of Jericho, located in the south of Idlib, were also targeted by Russian fighters.
Some sources close to the opponents of the Syrian regime announced that today's bombardment of Jas-r-Shughur and Idlib surroundings killed at least 11 people.
Russian air operations against these terrorists took place after they targeted the suburbs of Latakia and Hama with drones in the last two days; an action that led to the death of four civilians, including two children, and the wounding of three others.
Last night, Russian fighters also carried out extensive attacks on the headquarters and warehouses of weapons and ammunition of terrorist groups in the outskirts of Idlib and Latakia.
According to informed sources, Russian fighters carried out more than 16 airstrikes, which led to the destruction of 12 headquarters and warehouses of terrorist groups.

Story Code: 272320

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