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Ayatollah Sistani's reaction to the desecration of the Holy Quran in Sweden

1 Jul 2023 - 9:01

Ayatollah Sistani described the desecration of the Holy Quran in Sweden as "insulting" and said: Freedom of speech cannot justify the desecration of holy things.

Afghan Voice Agency (AVA): Ayatollah Sayed Ali Sistani, Supreme Leader of Shias in Iraq, sent a message to UN Secretary General Anthony Guterres on Thursday night, calling the desecration of the Holy Quran in Sweden insulting, adding: respect for freedom of expression cannot support this behavior. To justify the shame that is an open attack on the sanctities of more than two billion Muslims in the world.
On Wednesday, the Swedish police issued a permission to burn the Koran near a mosque in Stockholm in a shameful act, which resulted in widespread protests and worldwide condemnation.
Ayatollah Sistani, while expressing disgust at this action and condemning the insulting behavior, asked the United Nations to take effective measures to prevent the repetition of such behaviors and to force countries to reconsider the adoption of laws that allow these incidents to occur.
In the end, the High Authority of Iraqi Shiites has called for the consolidation of the values of peaceful coexistence among followers of different religions and intellectual curricula based on rights and mutual respect for all.
On Thursday evening, the Iraqi Ministry of Foreign Affairs summoned the Swedish ambassador in Baghdad in protest against the desecration of the Holy Quran in Stockholm and demanded the extradition of the perpetrator of this desecration.
"Faiq Zeidan", the head of the Supreme Judicial Council of Iraq, also ordered legal measures to be taken based on the provisions of Article 14 of the Iraqi Penal Code against an Iraqi of origin who tried to burn the Holy Quran in Sweden.
Bassem Al-Awadi, the spokesman of the Iraqi government, also emphasized that the Iraqi government strongly condemns the actions taken by some mentally ill and extremists regarding the repeated burning of copies of the Holy Quran.
In recent years, some European countries, especially Sweden, have been the scene of violations and desecration of Muslim sanctities. In the shadow of the support of the Swedish police, the right-wing extremists set fire to the Holy Quran, and Muslim protests have also been suppressed.

Story Code: 272537

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