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Emmanuel Macron's warning about the destruction of the Gaza Strip by the Zionists

22 Dec 2023 - 12:26

With the continuation of conflicts in the Gaza Strip and the continued killing of Palestinians by the Zionist regime, French President Emmanuel Macron warned against the destruction of Gaza and blind attacks on civilians.

Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) - International Service: The President of France pointed out that we should not allow the impression that an effective fight against terrorism means the destruction of Gaza and a blind attack on civilians, and asked the Zionist regime to give this type of response. stop because this is not a proportional answer and everyone's life is equally valuable. Macron also called for the protection of civilians and a humanitarian ceasefire in Gaza.
The statements of the French President come at a time when he and his other European allies have considered the Zionist regime's attack on the residents of Gaza as a fight against terrorism and supported Israel's crimes against the people of Gaza.
Western countries' financial and weapons support to the Zionist regime
Since the beginning of the Gaza war, France and Germany and some other European countries have supported the crimes of this regime and the killing of Palestinians by providing them with financial aid and weapons.
European officials have called the killing of Palestinians Israel's self-defense and fight against terrorism, and have even opposed the social movements that have formed in condemning the killing of Palestinians, attacks on hospitals and religious and historical centers.
However, the severity of the killing of Palestinians and the all-out attacks of Israel on Gaza have caused European officials to criticize the leaders of the Zionist regime under the pressure of public opinion.
Although the high number of civilian killings and extensive destruction of Gaza structures cannot be defended even by Tel Aviv's western allies, the authorities of western countries, especially the French President, even at the current stage, only want to stop the killing of Palestinians in Gaza in words. In practice, they do not take effective measures.
In fact, it seems that Macron's stance is more aimed at attracting the attention of the citizens of this country and other European countries than the real desire of France to stop the attacks on Gaza.
"Robert Fico", the Prime Minister of Slovakia, criticized the European Union's approach to the developments in Gaza and said: "The death of 20,000 people in Gaza cannot be ignored just because Israel caused it." I stress to the European leaders, the Union has lost its credibility because of our inability to take a strong and united position on the Palestinian issue.
The Information Office of the Palestinian Authority in the Gaza Strip announced in its latest report that the number of martyrs in Gaza has reached 20,000 since the beginning of the war on October 7, of which 8,000 are children and 6,200 are women.
According to the report of this office, 52,600 people have been injured in this bloody war.
As the humanitarian situation in Gaza worsened, Amnesty International in a statement recently called on European countries to stop the crimes and attacks of the Zionist regime against the Gaza strip and declare a permanent ceasefire in this strip. But in practice, no serious action has been taken to stop Israel's crimes, and now it seems that Emmanuel Macron has condemned Israel's attacks on Gaza and called for an end to the war in slogans and only in order to earn money.

Story Code: 282670

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