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Seyed Isa Hosseini Mazari:

Arrogance does not want the Islamic world, especially Afghanistan, to grow and develop

7 Jan 2024 - 12:37

The head of the Tebyan center issued a message following the explosion last night in the west of Kabul, pointing to the arrogant determination that they does not want anything to be done in the direction of the reconstruction of Islamic countries, especially Afghanistan, which is on the path of growth and development, and emphasizing the need for more seriousness by the security authorities in Ensuring security and also punishing the perpetrators of this event, he noted: the enemy cannot stop the citizens of the country from their determination to work and strive for the pride of Afghanistan and the honor of its people, simply by martyring the faithful and God-loving people of the country, it will add to the previous pains. It will strengthen the national determination to confront global arrogance at the head of America.

Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) - Kabul: After last night's explosion in the west of Kabul, which resulted in the martyrdom and wounding of a number of citizens, Hojjat-ul-Islam wal-Muslimin Seyed Isa Hosseini Mazari has issued a message.
In a part of the message of the head of Tebyan center, the security institutions are requested to be more serious in order to ensure the security of the country and the people, to identify and arrest the hidden agents and their supervisors and supporters, and hand them over to the law. They should be hanged in public as soon as possible.
The full text of the message issued by the head of the Tebyan Social Cultural Activities Center is as follows:
In the name of Allah
With double regret and impression, another group of my compatriots lost their sweet lives and mourned a nation.
Yes! The ISIS, this malignant tumor planted by America and Israel in the midst of the Muslim Ummah, with its unclean and poisoned hands, bombed a car carrying a group of hard-working and God-loving believers in Kabul in Dasht Barchi region, and killed a number of them. 
He once again emphasized the determination of the global arrogance that the peace and comfort of the Islamic world is of interest, they do not want a mouthful of water to go down the throats of Muslims, that something should be done in the direction of reconstruction, modernization and growth and development of Islamic countries, and in this regard, a difference It is not between Shia and Sunni, Arab and non-Ajam and Afghanistan, Palestine, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Iran, Kashmir, etc.
Especially Afghanistan, which has now taken the path of growth and development and internal, regional and international authority, and without the least help from the claimants of human rights and democracy, it is more than ever hated by them. Therefore, from time to time, he commits crimes in limited parts of the country, but the good enemy knows that he will not side with these evils and cannot stop the citizens from working and striving for the pride of Afghanistan and the dignity of its people, just by making them martyrs. The faithful and God-loving people of Afghanistan will add more heat to the previous ones and will make the national determination to face the global arrogance led by America more stubborn.
In any case, I congratulate and express my condolences on the martyrdom of a group of my Mujahideen compatriots in Kabul due to the terrorist explosion of their car carried by mercenary elements attributed to ISIS.
I also request the relevant security institutions to be more serious in order to ensure the security of the country and its people, identify and arrest the hidden and hidden agents, and those responsible and supporting it, hand them over to the law and make them public as soon as possible. 
Seyed Isa Hosseini Mazari
JAN 7, 2024

Story Code: 283654

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