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The Zionist regime banned Al Jazeera from operating in the occupied Palestinian territories

6 May 2024 - 10:04

The members of the cabinet of the Zionist regime voted unanimously in a meeting to shut down Qatar's Al Jazeera network in the occupied Palestinian territories.

Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) - International Service: The Cabinet of the Zionist regime unanimously voted to shut down the Al Jazeera network in the occupied territories. The implementation time of this decision has not yet been determined.

Netanyahu wrote about this decision: "Al Jazeera is an exciting network." The Minister of Communications of the Zionist regime considered Al-Jazeera a network "harmful to Israel's security" and said: This decision will immediately enter the implementation phase.

According to Tasnim, the Al Jazeera channel has revealed many of the inhumane actions of the Israeli army in the Gaza Strip, and a number of journalists of this channel and their family members have been martyred in Israel's attacks on Gaza.

Story Code: 289908

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