Publish dateSaturday 8 June 2024 - 13:57
Story Code : 291664
Expressing the concern of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Iran about some moves of countries outside the region to influence the process of developments in Afghanistan
Acting Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Republic of Iran in a message to the meeting of the regional contact committee on Afghanistan in Tehran, referring to the positive role of regional countries to play a constructive role in the peace, stability, development and future of Afghanistan, regarding "some specific moves by some Countries outside the region to influence the process of Afghanistan's developments, which is in conflict with the basis of Afghanistan's independence, territorial integrity and national sovereignty, expressed concern and emphasized: the countries of the region in cooperation with each other and with other countries and international organizations, as well as in Cooperation with the Islamic Emirate should not be allowed so that Afghanistan once again faces the problem of foreign intervention.
Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) - Tehran: This morning, Saturday, June 8 the second meeting of the regional contact group on Afghanistan with the presence of the special representatives of Iran, Russia, China and Pakistan in Afghanistan affairs at the Center for Political and International Studies of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Iran started working in Tehran with a minute of silence in honor of the "martyrs of service" of this country. The special order of this meeting is to review the developments in Afghanistan and especially the Doha 3 meeting regarding the future of the country.
In this meeting, instead of Zamir Kabulov, Russia's special representative for Afghanistan, Dmitri Zhirnov, the ambassador of this country in Kabul, was present, and also a representative of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan did not participate in it.
Dr. Ali Bagheri, Acting Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Republic of Iran, in a message to the meeting of the Regional Contact Committee on Afghanistan in Tehran, which was read by Seyed Rasul Mousavi, Assistant Minister and Director General of South Asia of this Ministry, called this meeting important and expressed hope. that the presence of the special representatives of Iran, Russia, China and Pakistan, with the good intentions they have for the people of Afghanistan and the region, have constructive suggestions for the coexistence of the neighbors, the countries of the region and the international community with Afghanistan.
He added that almost three years have passed since the occupation forces left Afghanistan, and during this time, Afghanistan has faced various challenges.
Bagheri pointed out that if we look at the scene of Afghanistan honestly, it can be said that most of the problems and challenges of Afghanistan are rooted in the occupation of this country and the lack of attention to its development and economic growth and the imposition of underdevelopment on it by the occupiers.
According to him, today, although the invaders have left Afghanistan, they are actually hindering the development of the country by blocking the assets of the Afghan people.
But according to the Acting Minister of Foreign Affairs of Iran, the occupiers in Afghanistan should know that they cannot run away from human responsibilities and should pay their share to compensate for the economic backwardness of the country without political interventions.
He emphasized: The Islamic Republic of Iran has always supported all the constructive initiatives that have been taken for the peace, stability and development of Afghanistan, and at the top of these initiatives is the meeting of the foreign ministers of the neighboring countries of Afghanistan and the Moscow format, which has been an active participant in the past three years. They have been
Referring to the positive role of the countries in the region to play a constructive role in the peace, stability, development and future of Afghanistan, Bagheri said: The most important common message of the regional and neighboring meetings for Afghanistan is that we should not be satisfied with simply stating and repeating the problems in Afghanistan. Rather, in addition to stating the problems, solutions and ways out of the challenges and problems should also be stated.
Referring to the important issue of the future of Afghanistan, he stated: I am sure that the people and the government of Afghanistan and other countries in the region cannot accept that those who were defeated yesterday in the military arena, this time want to make an unproductive entry into this country again under political titles or humanitarian aid. And they want to achieve the goals that they could not achieve through war, in the form of politics and holding various conferences.
Acting Minister of Foreign Affairs of Iran pointed out the migration of Afghan nationals to Iran and Pakistan and emphasized: on the one hand, this phenomenon puts pressure on the economy of the host countries, and on the other hand, it deprives Afghanistan of constructive forces. Accordingly, cooperation The countries of the region together and with the Afghan government in the field of managing Afghan refugees are creating opportunities for the region and Afghanistan itself.
He demanded that a responsible mechanism under the supervision of the United Nations be put on the agenda so that the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan can provide land and housing to the refugees and refugees while returning to their country, and this group of Afghan people can participate in the development of their homeland. Also, the necessary guarantees for their dignified return from the Islamic Emirate should be provided.
In another part of his message, Bagheri pointed to the issue of creating an inclusive government in Afghanistan and stated: "Before coming to power, the governing body of Afghanistan (Islamic Emirate) discussed the necessity of forming a government with the presence of all ethnic groups and classes in various meetings and negotiations. The country emphasized and positive steps have been taken in this regard, but due to the diverse population of Afghanistan, the neighboring countries and the region have the hope that with the participation of Afghan people from different ethnicities and strata, the political stability and economic development of Afghanistan will be possible. More attention should be paid to the necessity of forming a comprehensive government in Afghanistan in the statements of neighboring and regional meetings.
He added that today's world is the world of communication and connections and Afghanistan is located in a geographical area that can cross the border East-to-west and north-to-south connections and connections and if the geography of Afghanistan establishes such connections, it has taken a big step in its national development and the region.
The Acting Minister of Foreign Affairs of Iran expressed his happiness that at the same time as the Islamic Republic of Iran, in connecting its railways and roads to the communication routes of Afghanistan, other neighboring countries and the region have also taken steps in this way, and if there is more cooperation and mutual understanding between the countries of the region and Afghanistan And if it is done together, it will definitely benefit everyone.
At the same time, he expressed concern about "some specific moves by some countries outside the region to influence the process of Afghanistan's developments" which conflict with the basis of Afghanistan's independence, territorial integrity and national sovereignty, and emphasized: since the countries of the region Afghanistan's instability and underdevelopment have suffered the most damage and are expected to pay serious attention to this matter, in cooperation with each other and with other countries and international organizations, as well as in cooperation with the Islamic Emirate, so that Afghanistan is not allowed. once again face the problem of foreign intervention.
In the end, Bagheri noted: "The Islamic Republic of Iran, while fully supporting the set of constructive initiatives that can guarantee peace, stability, national sovereignty and territorial integrity of Afghanistan, believes that the durability of regional stability and security requires that the United Nations In fulfilling his duties and responsibilities, he should pay more attention to the human conditions. According to this attitude, during the last three years, the Islamic government of Iran tried to reduce the sufferings of the people of Afghanistan and by understanding the difficult conditions of the transition period, the noble people of this neighboring land should walk a path. They can be resilient against the hardships and sufferings resulting from the period of foreign occupation and instability after that".

Meanwhile, the first meeting of the regional contact group, which was formed at the initiative of the Islamic Republic of Iran, was held in Kabul last year, hosted by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Emirate.
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