Publish dateSaturday 28 September 2024 - 20:47
Story Code : 297550
Announcement of 3 days of public mourning in Lebanon, Syria and Yemen / Al-Houthi: The inevitable result of Sayyid Hassan Nasrallah
After announcing the martyrdom of Seyyed Hassan Nasrallah, Secretary General of Hezbollah, the Syrian government announced three days of public mourning in the country. On the other hand, the leader of Yemen's Ansarullah emphasized in a statement that the martyrdom of Seyed Hassan Nasrallah will increase the flame of sacrifice and its inevitable result is the victory and destruction of the Israeli enemy.
Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) - International Service: Following the martyrdom of Seyed Hassan Nasrallah, the Syrian government announced three days of public mourning. 
The flags of this country will also be at half-mast.
The Lebanese government announced three days of public mourning after the martyrdom of Seyed Hassan Nasrallah, the late Secretary General of the Lebanese Hezbollah movement.
A few hours ago, three days of public mourning were announced in Iraq on the occasion of the martyrdom of the Secretary General of Lebanon's Hezbollah.
The Prime Minister of Iraq, Mohammad Shia al-Sudani, announced three days of public mourning throughout the country in memory of the martyrdom of Seyed Hassan Nasrallah, the Secretary General of Lebanon's Hezbollah and his allies in the criminal attacks of the Zionists.
Yemen announced 3 days of public mourning
Sana'a President Mehdi Al-Mashat announced three days of public mourning in this country following the Zionists' criminal act of martyring Seyed Hassan Nasrallah, the Secretary General of Hezbollah in Lebanon, and the flags in this country will be at half-mast on this occasion.
The leader of Yemen's Ansarullah emphasized in a statement that Seyyed Hassan Nasrallah's martyrdom will increase the flame of sacrifice and its inevitable result is the victory and destruction of the Israeli enemy.
Seyed Abdul Malik Badr al-Din al-Houthi, the leader of Yemen's Ansarullah People's Movement, announced in a statement today: Seyed Hassan Nasrallah's martyrdom will increase the flame of sacrifice and its inevitable result will be the victory and destruction of the Israeli enemy.
"Mohammed Abdul Salam", the spokesman of Yemen's Ansarullah Movement, in a statement today to the Hezbollah Ummah and the liberation movements of the world, expressed his sincere condolences to the great loss of the great commander, Seyed Hassan Nasrallah, and stated: "After decades, he is a courageous mujahideen, unique in history." Mazazar achieved what he wished for, which is the martyrdom medal, and thanks to his wise leadership, Israel and the arrogant suffered successive defeats, and his holy blood will be a curse that, with the help of God, will take hold of the Zionist regime and pursue it until its eradication. will do He was the unique leader of the largest freedom movement in the world, who became the commander of the martyrs of the Al-Quds Way.
Abdul Salam further said: We say to his honorable family and nation, resistance and his nation, this is the way of Jihad, that God honors His faithful servants with victory or martyrdom, both of which are victories. Ummah experienced only victories with Sayyid Nasrallah and his jihadi life ended with the victory of martyrdom. The pain of parting after him will never weaken the solidarity of his brothers, but it will give them strength to continue the path of resistance and jihad until the final victory, and this is God's promise and God will never break his promise.
Also, the spokesperson of the government of change and construction of Yemen today by publishing a statement, starting with verse 23 of Surah Al-Ahzab, which says, "Some of those believers are great men who completely fulfilled the covenant they made with God, so some of them made their covenant (and on it) They stood their vows until they were martyred in the way of God) and some resisted the expectation (of the grace of martyrdom) and did not change their vows" he pointed out and then announced: The Government of Change and Construction of Yemen expresses its sincere condolences and sympathy to Seyyed Abdul Malik Badr al-Din al-Houthi. , the leader of the revolution and the dear people of Yemen and all the leaders and cadres of Hezbollah and the people of Lebanon and the commanders and nations of the axis of resistance and the Arab Islamic Ummah and the free people of the world declares about the martyrdom of Seyed Hassan Nasrallah, the brother of Mujahid and the great leader of Islam and the Secretary General of Hezbollah, a personality who is one He was one of the symbols of jihad and resistance and had insight and strategic performance in dealing with challenges and won great victories against the enemies of the nation, which had a great impact on raising the flag of Islam.
The spokesperson of the Yemeni government further stated: We congratulate the Arab and Islamic Ummah on the personal victory achieved by this martyred commander, he played a prominent role in strengthening the axis of Jihad and resistance and supporting the issues of the Ummah, and at the head of them is the issue of Palestine. Martyr Commander Seyyed Hassan Nasrallah put his life in the way of God and focused his efforts to defend the rights of his people and liberate his land and defend the oppressed Palestinian nation and his efforts after a long journey full of jihad, sacrifice and extensive participation in Establishing the foundations of the Islamic movement marked the best end, which is martyrdom in the way of God Almighty.

He said: In this regard, we emphasize the continuation of his jihadi path, the defense of just issues will continue, and with the help of God, victory is on the way, we ask all the free people of the world to try to establish justice and punish the Israeli enemy and its partner, the American enemy. continue
In the end, this Yemeni official emphasized: With the help of God Almighty, the blood of the martyred commanders will never be wasted, and the Israeli enemy will never fulfill any of his dreams with his cowardly operations, the resistance will never be broken, and the jihadist spirit of the Mujahid brothers in Lebanon. And in all fronts, the support will be strengthened and increased, and our Mujahid brothers in Hezbollah will remain the best contemporary example on the battlefield, we emphasize that the free people of Yemen will make unlimited sacrifices in the cause of the truth in their great battle - the promised victory and Holy Jihad, they will continue on the path of Jihad and defense of their homeland, land and nation and help the oppressed in Palestine and Lebanon. We pray to the Almighty God to place this noble martyr in his vast mercy and grant his family and loved ones patience and patience and bless the efforts of the resistance and unite the free people on the way to achieving their great goals. May the blessings of God be upon the seal of Prophet Muhammad and his pure family.
On the other hand, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan wrote in a message referring to the attacks of the Zionist regime on Lebanon: Lebanon and the Lebanese people are the new target of Israel's policy of genocide, occupation and invasion, which it has been following since October 7.
He added: As a result of Israel's brutal attacks, many Lebanese people, including children, were killed last week. No conscience can accept, excuse and justify such a massacre.
The Turkish president continued: Israel's efforts to expand the policy of insanity that it implemented in Gaza and Ramallah to Lebanon and other countries in the region must be stopped now.
He added: "As Türkiye, we will be with the people and government of Lebanon in these difficult days and once again condemn the inhumane attacks of Israel against Lebanon."
It should be mentioned that the Secretary General of Lebanon's Hezbollah was martyred in the brutal attack of the Zionist regime on the suburbs of Beirut.
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