Afghan Voice Agency (AVA): According to the public relations report of the World Forum for the Approximation of Islamic Religions, the text of the message of Dr. Hamid Shahriari, Secretary General of the World Assembly for the Approximation of Islamic Religions is as follows:
In the name of Allah
Martyrdom is the source of immortality, sustenance of jihadists and men of the field, and envy of the survivors. Sayyid Hassan Nasrallah, the leader of the Resistance Front, the wise scholar and Mujahid Nastuh, Mr. Seyyed Hassan Nasrallah (RH), the great commander of the Front of Truth against Falsehood and the strong pillar of the axis of resistance, became immortal and made the pride and dignity of Islam against disbelief permanent in history.
In his loss, it is appropriate to cry blood and put on mourning clothes, it was the peace of mind that he had taken away from many, and this characteristic of his was the reason for the sacrifice of his companions.
Let the criminal gang of Zion know that his friends will continue their fierce resistance and will keep the flag of his school flying high. His disciples do not stand still in tracking them down to punish them for their actions, and now this desperation is enough that they commit assassinations and hide underground for fear of direct confrontation from the blind spots of the sky.
He is the one who put this fear in their hearts that they will run away from their homes and have no hope of returning. He is the one who has placed this peace and dignity in the hearts of the resistance commanders to stand their ground and continue their jihad so that God's promise of Hizbollah's victory will finally be fulfilled.
There is no doubt that these barbaric crimes are not possible without the financial, military, intelligence and political support of the Arrogant Front led by the US government and the unity of the Muslim Ummah against the Front of Infidelity is the only way to curb the unrestrainedness of this Zionist criminal gang.
I am deeply saddened and deeply affected by this great calamity to Hazrat Baqiyyah al-Azam (AJ), the Supreme Leader of the Revolution Imam Khamenei, the generals and soldiers of the resistance axis, the Muslim Ummah, especially the resistant people of Lebanon, and also the holy house of Martyr Nasrallah (RH), I offer my condolences and ask God to grant him and his martyred comrades high degrees.
God's victory is certain and soon, God willing, the pure blood of the martyrs of the resistance front will bring freedom of Quds Sharif.
Hamid Shahriari
Secretary General of the World Assembly of Approximation of Islamic Religions