Afghan Voice Agency (AVA): It was last year that the Israeli army announced that it had established centers for soldiers who suffered from shock caused by war incidents and mental problems.
At the same time, the Israeli media reported that the number of soldiers suffering from psychological problems due to witnessing war incidents in the Gaza Strip is increasing.
Dr. Leah Shelf, the former head of the psychology department of the Israeli Air Force, says that army commanders must understand that mental health problems do not disappear, but only accumulate.
He adds that the soldiers feel that their commanders are indifferent to their psychological problems, which can cause dangerous problems.
Israeli newspaper "Haaretz", today (Monday, January 13), reported that during the war, there was a 172% increase in requests for mental health treatment among soldiers aged 18 to 20 compared to last year.
Haaretz says statistics show that if this trend continues, Israel may face an unprecedented number of soldiers whose mental health is compromised.
Citing the statistics announced by the army of this regime, this Israeli media adds that since the beginning of the war in the Gaza Strip, 28 soldiers have committed suicide.
According to Haaretz, the average annual suicide rate for the past decade has been about 12 soldiers, and among the 28 soldiers who committed suicide in the Gaza war, 16 were reservists.
Haaretz also pointed out that the statistics announced by the Israeli army are not the final statistics and that the military police investigation unit is still investigating the deaths and it may be determined later that the death of some soldiers was due to suicide.