Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) _ Mazar-e-Sharif: Dar Mohammad Safdar, the head of Badakhshan prison, said that the courses of memorizing the Quran, Sirat-ul-Nabi (PBUH), Summary and Qadori were launched by Khalid bin Waleed School in the prison of this province and 87 prisoners were trained after They graduated from various departments, especially Quran memorization, in one year.
He added: On the occasion of the graduation of the prisoners, a ceremony was held with the presence of officials of government departments and among the prisoners, one person has managed to memorize the entire Quran. According to him, the graduated prisoners include women and men and the prisoner who recites the Quran has been given the privilege of release.
He said the process of holding training courses for prisoners would continue.
Meanwhile, Qari Aminullah Tayeb, deputy governor of Badakhshan province, added: "The government of the Islamic Emirate is committed to ensuring and respecting the rights of prisoners because officials strive for the rights of citizens at any place and time.
He says that the plan and program of the Islamic Emirate government to reform the prisoners and change the course of their lives is being implemented and the prisoners should also participate in the prosperity of the country after their release.
Meanwhile, Maulvi Shir Mohammad Javad, head of enjoining good and forbidding evil in Badakhshan province, called holding training courses in prisons a good opportunity for prisoners and added: Prisoners should use training courses to change their lives so that they can in the future. have a positive life
Other speakers said the training courses are a good opportunity for prisoners to change and choose a healthy and dignified life.
It is worth mentioning that government officials and residents of Badakhshan province emphasize the continuation of training courses for prisoners.