Publish dateTuesday 4 February 2025 - 20:45
Story Code : 306762
Afghanistan is a good target market and a priority for the "Iran Expo 2025" exhibition
In response to a question from AVA reporter, the organizers of the International Exhibition of Export Capabilities of the Islamic Republic of Iran, "Iran Expo 2025", which will be held in Tehran next year, said that considering that a priority and target of this exhibition is Iran's neighboring countries, they appreciated the high quantitative and qualitative presence of Afghan trade delegations and businessmen compared to other countries at this exhibition in previous years, and announced the possibility of increasing the quantity and quality of this presence in the upcoming exhibition and emphasized: Afghanistan is a good target market for Iranian exports and a priority for the Iran Expo 2025 exhibition.
Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) - Tehran: The first press conference of the international exhibition of the Islamic Republic of Iran's export capabilities next year, "Iran Expo 2025", was held today, Tuesday, at the permanent site of Tehran International Exhibitions, with the presence of Mohammad Ali Dehghan Dehnavi, Deputy Minister and Head of the Trade Development Organization of this country.
Mohammad Ali Dehghan Dehnavi, Head of the Trade Development Organization, said in this press conference: One of the key axes of economic development is the issue of exports. In previous years, despite the ups and downs, we had growth in Iran's exports, but compared to the capacities we have, we are still far from the desired point.
He continued: Iran's export trend this year has improved compared to last year, and according to the statistics for the first ten months of this year, we have had an 18 percent growth in exports.
Dehghan Dehnavi emphasized: One of the tools for developing exports is the Iran Expo, which is being held in Tehran.
The head of the Trade Development Organization of Iran stated: Iran Expo is an exhibition of Iran's export capabilities, and we are trying to show domestic and foreign participants the latest developments, innovations, and leading industries.
2,500 businessmen from 100 countries to attend Iran Expo 2025
On the other hand, Majid Takbiri, head of the Iran Expo organizing committee, stated in a press conference regarding the seventh Iran Export Capabilities Exhibition (Iran Expo), that Iran Expo has created an opportunity for Iran's existing capacities, challenges, and strengths to be displayed transparently and for Iranian exporters to negotiate with international businessmen, and said: This event has become one of the most successful cooperation projects between the Iranian government and the private sector.
According to Mr. Takbiri, this exhibition will be held in 6 business areas: food production, agriculture and related industries, pharmaceuticals and medical equipment, construction and technical services, petrochemicals, and steel and industry, with the participation of probably 800 export companies from Iran.
He added: With the help of Iranian embassies around the world, we invite big businessmen and influential businessmen and high-ranking economic officials of the countries to "safe and beautiful Iran" to see our realities. In the last Iran Expo, 2,400 businessmen from 94 different countries attended, which shows that Iranian goods have customers and demand at the global level.
The head of the Iran Expo organizing committee, stating that this event will be held for five days at the permanent site of Tehran International Exhibitions, said: The exhibition of the export capabilities of the Islamic Republic of Iran has played an important role in the development of Iran's non-oil exports by reducing costs and facilitating negotiations, and in the previous edition, with the presence of businessmen from 94 countries, more than 3 billion dollars of contracts were signed.
Regarding his prediction for the Iran Expo 2025 exhibition, he said: In the new edition, our estimate is that we will have businessmen from 90 to 100 countries and the number of businessmen will be between 2,000 and 2,500. However, our goal is to increase the quality of businessmen. This means inviting more level-one traders and increasing their number.
The head of the Iran Expo organizing committee, emphasizing the importance of bilateral dialogue meetings on the sidelines of the exhibition, noted: At this year's exhibition, more than 4,000 bilateral negotiation meetings were held, of which more than 800 were successful and led to progress in negotiations and reaching a final agreement.
He explained the country's policy of targeting export markets: In this regard, the priority of target markets is neighboring countries, BRICS, Shanghai and Eurasia member countries.
Afghanistan is a good target market and a priority for Iran Expo 2025. Meanwhile, in response to a question from an Ava reporter about how Afghan traders will participate in the exhibition, Takbiri stated that especially in the upcoming Iran Expo, neighboring countries are a serious priority for the development of Iranian trade due to advantages such as transportation, financial exchange, customs issues, and easier and more convenient insurance services, and they are good target markets. He said: Afghanistan is one of the countries that has more and more executive trade delegations in Iran Expo exhibitions. Afghan traders have a serious and useful presence in this exhibition in terms of both quantity and quality, alongside other countries such as Pakistan, Russia, China, India, Iraq, and Turkey, and in the upcoming exhibition, we are also faced with an increase in the quantity and quality of trade delegations from this country. Therefore, he emphasized that Afghanistan is a priority for Iran Expo 2025 and the development of trade between the two countries.
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