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Storm with typhoon-strength winds kills 4 in Japan

Afghan Voice Agency (AVA), International Service , 4 Apr 2012 - 17:35

A powerful storm with typhoon-strength winds and heavy rain halted air and train traffic in Tokyo and killed four people around the country, officials said.

The spring storm left the region Wednesday, but the Meteorological Agency urged caution as strong winds would persist in northern Japan. Winds of more than 144 kilometers (89 miles) per hour were recorded Tuesday as the storm swept across Japan's main island of Honshu.

Police reported four deaths: two people killed in warehouse collapses, an elderly man who fell off a roof in Iwate and a woman crushed by a fallen tree in Miyagi. Hundreds more were injured.

The storm had halted commuter train service and grounded more than 500 flights in and around Tokyo on Tuesday. Train service was normal Wednesday, but about 70 more flights were canceled. 

Story Code: 39136

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