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Ukraine's arms supply; The West is preparing for a new military contest

16 Jul 2022 - 15:05

Habibullah Danishyar: In the changed political configuration, the military-industrial complex of America and Europe will obviously benefit a lot, especially in the arms market in Eastern Europe. With the slogan of strengthening the eastern flank, arms manufacturers will join the process of re-equipping European armies.

Since the beginning of the special military operation, Ukraine has received military assistance from Western countries to repel the invasion of Russian forces. However, the weapons received are still far less than what was announced.
Therefore, until today, the armed forces of Ukraine have received a little more than half of the requested number of tanks (about 270 of which are obsolete Soviet units) and a third of 155 mm howitzers from the thousand and only 50 MLRS.
In total, according to the Deputy Minister of Defense, Maliar, Western countries have delivered only 10% of the promised weapons to Ukraine. This is clearly not enough to achieve military equality with Russia.
At the same time, the conflict between Russia and the West revealed problems in the armies of European countries: many suddenly realized that they did not have enough military reserves to meet modern challenges.
Since the end of the Cold War, EU countries have systematically reduced their military and defense spending. For example, if by 1990 the number of the German Bundeswehr reached about 400,000 and budget expenses exceeded 3% of GDP, today these figures are twice as low.
The decrease in the budget for the purchase of weapons and equipment ultimately led to the reduction of Germany's military potential. According to the report of the German Ministry of Defense, only 70% of the combat aircraft and 40% of the helicopters of the German Air Force were on standby. Although in April Berlin announced the delivery of heavy weapons, the German leadership suddenly realized that they did not have ammunition for their tanks and now had to urgently seek them from NATO allies.
However, the reduction of arms stockpiles in Europe as a result of Ukraine's support was also noted by Josep Borrell, the head of the EU's Foreign Service. Thus, the geopolitical crisis surrounding Ukraine convinced the elites of many European countries that the time had come to rethink their attitude towards their armed forces.
In this way, Olaf Schulz, the leader of Germany, promised to strengthen the country's defense by allocating an additional 100 billion euros for these purposes. The government plans to spend the money on military equipment and new equipment for the army. Recently, the Polish Sejm voted in favor of a bill that would almost triple the size of the armed forces, from 110,000 to 300,000, and the budget for the army from the current 2% will increase to 3% of GDP starting next year. In addition, Berlin promised Warsaw and Prague to sell their latest equipment in exchange for the Soviet weapons they supplied to Kyiv. And at the March summit in Versailles, European leaders agreed to increase defense spending to "strengthen European sovereignty."
In the changed political configuration, the US-European military-industrial complex will obviously benefit greatly, especially in the arms market in Eastern Europe. With the slogan of strengthening the eastern flank, arms manufacturers will join the process of re-equipping European armies. In addition, according to the expert, American companies will probably try to redistribute the arms market in South and Southeast Asia, where the positions of Russian military companies are traditionally strong, with promises, threats and Persuasions, in order to weaken them financially. They will only be happy to receive new weapons at preferential prices. Either way, the conflict in Ukraine, despite the crisis in the global economy, naturally affects the growth of the value of military companies.
According to Tradingview.com, the capital of 18 major arms companies in NATO countries has increased by 50 billion dollars. And apparently this is not the limit.

Story Code: 255740

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